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All-- Things are coming together. The kit is complete and packing list is finalized (for now). Rifle is now shooting .4 and .5 groups off the bipod with a variable tail wind. I will load up 40 rounds this weekend to tweak the zero and checking my drop at 200 and 250m (max range at my club). I am using the Vortex LRBC and will download and try Shooter to check drops before finalizing a table.


4 weeks!!!

Yeah I am starting to feel twitchy myself. and showed in groups the last time out.. Heading back out this week to dial in and make sure zero is spot on. big struggle is the speed variation I saw last time out, big ES number and avg was 150fps higher than previous 120rnds I had shot of the same ammo.. DOH, always happens right before hunt!

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That's a big variation, did you ID the cause? I've been using RL19 powder which people have said is not as temp stable so I loaded up H4831SC. The temps here are in the 70s to 80 and should be similar to conditions in AZ next month. Exceptions being the humidity and elevation.

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I have not narrowed the cause. It was especially troubling as that was factory ammo that prior to that had never exceeded and ES of 45.


Got a test ladder done now with reloads I plan to run in the next few days as well as run more factory rounds...

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Alright guys--- The plan is coming together nicely. I would like recommendations for bonus critters to be prepared for. I plan to have a OTC Lion tag, what about birds or other animals available in 34A in late OCT???

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Alright guys--- The plan is coming together nicely. I would like recommendations for bonus critters to be prepared for. I plan to have a OTC Lion tag, what about birds or other animals available in 34A in late OCT???


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The way u describe getting prepared you will be 100 times more prepared then most SUCCESFUL coues hunters are. So u are doing good. Like was mentioned, just be patient. They are a tough little deer to see but once you learn what to look for they will start coming out of the woodwork. I don't have patience, so I'm not good with glassing along time which is key to Coues. Even mule deer need patience if u want to kill nice ones in this part of the country. I'm slowing appreciating glassing more and less walking myself to death for lil deer. Lions are everywhere, literally, just don't plan on seeing one, they don't like being seen, not on purpose anyways. Lots and lots of open country. I was stationed in Virginia for 4 years and cant ever see hunting anyway but the wide open like it is here. Not as much opportunity(one deer a year) but its truly hunting, not bait and wait or waiting over plots you know the deer will come to for sure. You're skill will be tested for sure but its more rewarding in my opinion.

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Thanks for the advice guys!!! I can't wait to get on the road to AZ!!


I have access to a small FoxPro Spitfire... is it worth it to bring along for fox, yote, lion? And are setups in 34a a long range game or should I have a 12ga and some buckshot?

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Thanks for the advice guys!!! I can't wait to get on the road to AZ!!


I have access to a small FoxPro Spitfire... is it worth it to bring along for fox, yote, lion? And are setups in 34a a long range game or should I have a 12ga and some buckshot?

I can't answer your question, but I am bringing my 300blk down as well as my grendel just for something different to use on yotes up close.

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Had a great hunt, great success, back home now and ready for next season!!! Posted the whole story in the rifle section!



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