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8owhunt-- Here's hoping! I'm pretty excited to get out there. With my schedule and work it is hard to get predictability so I can't be too picky about areas, just gotta get a tag and put in the foot work. 4-6 miles sounds very doable and if it gets me out of the crowds then all the better. What are the typical altitudes for those areas and weather that time of year??


The Farmer's Almanac says this year will be slightly drier and cooler than normal and going back 5 years it seems normal is lows around 60 and highs normally in the 80s.

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Around 5K in altitude.


I would say high 80's during the day but my friend, the AZ sun is hot. You will see 30 degree temp swings from day to night.


Once you draw, post it up. Some know area's better than others around here.


Be prepared to get hooked on Coues though. I haven't looked at mule deer the same way since my first coues hunt!

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oneshot-- Thanks for the offer, I'll be in touch soon as the draw results are out!


8ow- I'm pumped, completely new animal, new area, new challenge, can't wait!

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Well I went to AZGF website and made sure my payment info was good. This wait is a killer. Can't imagine if you are sitting on a stack of points!


In the mean time I've been hitting the range with my 6.5x284 and my 25/06. I've had great luck with 120gr Ballistic Tips in the 6.5 and 115gr Berger Hunting VLDs in the 25/06. Fully knowing this will open a can of worms, is there a particular bullet type (NBT, Accubond, SST) that you guys prefer??


From reading the threads and the survey it seemed the majority of shots come 400 yards and under with a handful between 4-600yds. At those distances I think I'm inclined to stay on the lighter side of the weights and go with a ballistic tip for guaranteed energy transfer/expansion. It seems the GMX/all copper bullets need much higher velocities for expansion. Is there a trade off for meat damage??

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Drew 34A in OCT for WT!! Very excited for this hunt and thankful for all those who have provided guidance and insight for the draw and hunt preparation. I will likely have many questions to follow and will continue my nightly reading here on the forum.


Congrats and best of luck to all those who drew!!

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Oz- got your message, thx! I shot oneshot a note as well but I think he got as many calls and messages as AZ Game and Fish did yesterday. I'll try him again soon!

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Congrats Duckhunter!! I ended up drawing the same hunt this year. Also my 1st hunt, best of luck and maybe we will run into each other! I too am shooting 6.5 but in Grendel form.

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I don't think you'll have trouble finding a white tail in any of those units


I would not step foot in any arizona unit without a lion tag in my pocket


Ivr had good luck with the msr sweet water and 6l msr dramotory bag.

I am not seeing a Lion tag available for 34A? Or am I mising it somehow? I will be hunting 34A in Oct, and would be nice to have a second tag in my pocket...

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Lamrith- It would appear based off the Mtn Lion regs and the license fee structure that all that is required is to purchase a Non-Resident MTN Lion non-permit tag for $75. Everyone says the best way to see a mountain is not to have a tag so it sounds like good insurance either way!

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I will look again, I was skimming and looking for the specific unit to be listed, but will take time and ready fully tonight. I am all about predator control and my Grendel is ready for coues, coyote or kitty's, whatever shows it's boiler room to me..


Up here in WA we have isues with predators now, they changed lion regs and I think bear regs in last few years making it extremely difficult to hunt them and regulate the populatios. Plus they brought wolves back which are not huntable so running amok.. Decimating livestock and big game herds..

EDIT: Checked the PDF of regs..



Season Dates:Jul 1, 2015 - Jun 30, 2016

Notes: (1,5,10,11,12,19,

Open Areas: Statewide (except National Wildlife Refuges,Mohave County Park Lands and Units 11M, 25M,
26M, 38M, 39, 40A, 40B, 41, 42, 43A, 43B, 44A,
and 44B, and Pusch Ridge Hunt Area in Unit 33
and any hunt listed below in Commission Order
10 with a multiple bag limit)

Legal Wildlife: Any lion except spotted kittens or females
accompanied by spotted kittens

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Yeah my reading comprehension function was shutoff when I looked the 1st time...


So how prevalent are kitties in 34A? Being out of state it is a bit more expensive tag the in state and a dollar amount I do not want to just throw away.

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Everyone I've talked to said its a mistake NOT to get one. No idea how they behave when 675 people tromp into the hills but it looks like enough guys hunt em to make it worthwhile. It'll be in my pocket for sure come OCT 23, plus gives you something to stick around for if you get a deer early!

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Everyone I've talked to said its a mistake NOT to get one. No idea how they behave when 675 people tromp into the hills but it looks like enough guys hunt em to make it worthwhile. It'll be in my pocket for sure come OCT 23, plus gives you something to stick around for if you get a deer early!

True.. I was thinking bring some calls and see if I could stir up some Yotes too.. Problem there is that is noisey and I am concerned about messing up others hunts by calling and spooking deer every direction. Not that gunshots will not do the same I guess..

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