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Back country backpack trip for Coues

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In the past few years My hunting partners and I have packed in the back country with horses. Had some great trips and were fortunate enough to take some nice deer. I'm thinking of going a different route this year. Horses are a great way to get way back in there but they are ALOT of work. You not only have to pack way more stuff (Tack, equipment, feed, pellets......), but once your in camp it's almost a full time job taking care of them. Someone usually always had to stay back at camp or is limited on how much they can hunt.


I'll still do it but this year I think I'm going to go a different route.

I'm thinking a solo backpack trip. I'm sure there is a thread similar to this out there but I thought I would strum up a new one. My question is what are essentials and what should be left behind? I'm thinking of packing in 2-3 miles for about 3 nights.


That's in your pack?


There is what I was thinking........

Outdoorsmans pack

Compact bed roll

Bivy sac

Water purification system and hydration bladder

Tin cup and fork

Jet boil type system

Mountain house

Misc jerkey granola bars etc......

Light jacket

Extra socks

Light tripod

15x50 vipers

Gloves and beanie

Super light first aid kit



Tag game bags havalon and gloves




O and a gun either my heavy .300 LR rifle with turret scope or super light .22-250. Can't decide on a gun. What one would you take?


Am I forgeting any thing? Do I need to cut anything from the list?

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I have a detailed backpacking gear list in an excel doc that I just tried to post, but it came out like crap. Email me and I will send it to you.


It is not hunting specific, but the changes would be minor. Add the weapon / ammo, glass andd tripod, game bags, and a havalon knife. Sub out some ultralight clothing for camos. That would be it.





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I would not even bother with a bivy sack on an October hunt unless there is rain in the forecast. Sleeping bag tucked under a juniper or a rock outcropping.


.300 for sure

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email sent, if you send it to me I'd be happy to reformat and post it back here for all to see, all credit to you of course.


I have a detailed backpacking gear list in an excel doc that I just tried to post, but it came out like crap. Email me and I will send it to you.


It is not hunting specific, but the changes would be minor. Add the weapon / ammo, glass andd tripod, game bags, and a havalon knife. Sub out some ultralight clothing for camos. That would be it.





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Chapstick is always good to take along. And I use a bivy sack on Oct hunts....might not need it, but it's nice to cut the wind if it's real windy at night. It's real nice in case of unexpected rain too. Plus it helps protect my sleeping back from sharp objects and I can zip it up and store things in it when I leave for the hunt.

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Last time I even packed in a tiny pillow that must be from an airline trip though I don't ever remember taking one. I use a stuff sack (the orange one next to pillow) to store extra clothes and use as a pillow too. Always good to have at least an extra shirt since you can often get very sweaty on a hunt in Oct. Hence my pink shirt hanging on the bush to dry off. The light green thing on the orange stuff sack is a backpacking towel...which is nice to have to just cleaning up a little at the end of the day. It also doubles as an evaporative cooler around your neck when hiking.


One of the pics shows my backpacking tent (left of the ruler in the brown bags). I don't take that too often unless my husband goes with me and then we share the tent.


A few pics. This is my dad's old boyscout pack which I love using. All my buddies make fun of me for it, but it's perfect for me, carries the weight GREAT!





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email sent, if you send it to me I'd be happy to reformat and post it back here for all to see, all credit to you of course.


I have a detailed backpacking gear list in an excel doc that I just tried to post, but it came out like crap. Email me and I will send it to you.


It is not hunting specific, but the changes would be minor. Add the weapon / ammo, glass andd tripod, game bags, and a havalon knife. Sub out some ultralight clothing for camos. That would be it.







Ok, Clint was kind enough to send it to me - it's intense. He has his backpacking down to a science that isn't easily re-translated for a forum post! Thank you very much, Clint.

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What time of year are you wanting to hunt. Early season is still bug, snake, scorpion season so I like to pack a tent without the fly or footprint, if no rain predicted, to keep the creepy crawlys off when I sleep. Having bugs buzzing your head at night keeping you awake after working your but off all day ain't cool! And having scorpions crawl into your pack ain't cool either.


Backpacking for Coues deer is adddicting and if you get quality gear can be very comfortable for 7-10 days. If I or my buddy draw this year we will be doing one or two 7-10 day hunts and I can't wait!!!!!


May want to add a toothbrush, extra batteries that fit both your gps and headlamp, a down puffy jacket (super light but super warm just in case), a lightweight foam buttpad, some fire-starter and a lighter, large trash bag. I always pack a sleeping pad for comfort as quality sleep means quality hard hunting for days at a time. My pack for a seven day trip will be around 47 lbs not including gun a extra bullets which weighs in at 6 3/4 pounds.

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Following. I really want to pack in this year. I say it every year but never seem to do it.

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Like said above. Baby wipes are awesome to help clean up at night.

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