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not what i expected

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had a camera out at our property, put it out in march - so cool checking sd card when you see it took 11,000 - said it was full took 7.8 g on a 8 g card -


i always expect it to be mostly wind blows stuff


had a group of young elk in the first 20 or so pictures - then the camera was knocked loose and moved and i got 10.950 pictures of the top of the tree branches moving


guess someone noticed the camera bummer - it was knocked right after the first picture according to the camera


so i left in the batteries--- they say it will take 30,000 on a 32 g card -cleared pics on card and replaced - will check in a few months to see if batteries will still be working



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Elk, cattle, and bears are most often the culprit when it appears that your camera was messed with. That would be my bet. I have pictures of a cow unwinding my cable lock from around a tree. Then chewing on the end. Then several pictures of it yanking on the cable until the camera was pointing backwards and down at the dirt. Bears chew rip and massacre them. Elk tend to be pretty curious as well and will knock them around. Had rats/squirrels chew through the nice straps and find the camera on the ground. Woodpeckers peck out the sensor and camera lense holes and make it look like it was shot with a 22. You name it. The best solution I have found to keep your camera on the tree pointed the right way is to use bailing wire and wire the crap out of it. Of course a crazy bear will still destroy it. hahahaha

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private property... make a box and lag bolt it to the tree.

I've had a couple slapped around by bears and a few licks and rubs from elk...

some reason that sounded weird... LOL!

one time I put the wrapper from one of those little salt block inside the battery compartment cause the battery was loose... 6v

that was a pretty dumb idea... LOL!



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the camera on the other saddle has been full of those little black ants twice - I made sure all the holes were sealed but the little buggers got in agin - they want to use it to nest - seems they are all inside by the electrical stuff stuck inside the lense for set-up etc


but it still works - lol got to find a different tree or put a up a metal bar or something


the moultrie A-5 are a nice little cameras - thousands of pictures on 4 c batteries but so sensitive to the slightest movement of grass - leaves branchs


I even clear out huge areas and trim branches to get clear shots of animals in the open but get thousands of unwanted pics!

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almost as bad as when animals knock them around is when salt hungry horses, cattle and cow elk discover the salt. there are a lot of horses and mules running around where i run cameras and they are very hard on them, especially the mules. they will dissolve a mineral rock in a matter of days, chew up a camera and the worst thing is, they run off the deer and bears that are on the salt. the best solution i have found is to hang your camera 8-10 feet off the ground and angle it down slightly

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almost as bad as when animals knock them around is when salt hungry horses, cattle and cow elk discover the salt. there are a lot of horses and mules running around where i run cameras and they are very hard on them, especially the mules. they will dissolve a mineral rock in a matter of days, chew up a camera and the worst thing is, they run off the deer and bears that are on the salt. the best solution i have found is to hang your camera 8-10 feet off the ground and angle it down slightly

Good advice. Ive had several knocked around by cattle, but also be curios elk and bears seem to love rubbing sniffing and chewing on wildview cameras for some reason. The electronics must give off some sent theyre curios about.

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At least bruce jenner or whatever her name is now ,didn't show up on there ,You would of really been puzzled Gary..................BOB!

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too funny on the cameras electronics being the reason they get chewed on- the majority of what they smell is the odors you leave while setting them up - its usually after you've placed/ handled your salt lick or all that other attractant stuff that is put out .


your the guy leaving the attracting odors - lol -- that's what I think use your santi wipes next time


on the other side - their hearing is 10 times better than ours so most likely they are hearing the shutter go off and wonder - what the heck is that

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too funny on the cameras electronics being the reason they get chewed on- the majority of what they smell is the odors you leave while setting them up - its usually after you've placed/ handled your salt lick or all that other attractant stuff that is put out .


your the guy leaving the attracting odors - lol -- that's what I think use your santi wipes next time


on the other side - their hearing is 10 times better than ours so most likely they are hearing the shutter go off and wonder - what the heck is that

Whatever it is they like wildviews better than moultries.

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