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this country has gone to hell!

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the sad thing is we pay for uninsured motorist and the insurance will still screw you. Pablo will do this again to someone else because he got away with it the first time. I think that its STATE LAW that if you turn you have to yield to on comming traffic I cant believe the cop didn't do anything was he a Pablo also.

SCREW PABLO..........................

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the sad thing is we pay for uninsured motorist and the insurance will still screw you. Pablo will do this again to someone else because he got away with it the first time. I think that its STATE LAW that if you turn you have to yield to on comming traffic I cant believe the cop didn't do anything was he a Pablo also.

SCREW PABLO..........................



it is the most irritating thing ever....how can they be allowed to get away with this....the cop was no where near to having a mexican heritage....I was shocked the way he talked to me and how he handled the situation....I filed a complaint today with the chandler pd...we'll see what happens

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the sad thing is we pay for uninsured motorist and the insurance will still screw you. Pablo will do this again to someone else because he got away with it the first time. I think that its STATE LAW that if you turn you have to yield to on comming traffic I cant believe the cop didn't do anything was he a Pablo also.

SCREW PABLO..........................



it is the most irritating thing ever....how can they be allowed to get away with this....the cop was no where near to having a mexican heritage....I was shocked the way he talked to me and how he handled the situation....I filed a complaint today with the chandler pd...we'll see what happens

the good news, not, is that soon that guy will become an american citizen defacto. he still won't have insurance but maybe a drivers license(meaningless). he still will break the laws but now he can vote for people sympathetic to his cause, not yours.

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he should have gotten a ticket for not yelding to on coming trafic. i have been hit once and my wife once when a guy did run a very hot pink to red light and we pulled to turn out of th intersection. in each case we were both sited with that citation of failure to yeld, But that police dept is a bunch of You know whats anyways.

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he should have gotten a ticket for not yelding to on coming trafic. i have been hit once and my wife once when a guy did run a very hot pink to red light and we pulled to turn out of th intersection. in each case we were both sited with that citation of failure to yeld, But that police dept is a bunch of You know whats anyways.




Sorry to hear about the accident...but in all actuality the cop can do anything to the illegals due to the fact that he has no jurisdiction. Although the cop was a jerk, people need to stop blaming cops for not doing anything because the truth is hey can’t do anything with the illegals! All the cop could have done was call INS and report them. Until our government gets theirr heads out of their a$$, we are just going to have to deal with this. You have to remember that if these illegas cant be held accountable for anything like a traffic violation due to the fact that they have no personal information to hold them accountable for (i.e social security number, physical address ect..)


And the comment made about police by Arizona Guide….. Although some police are A$$ holes, they are there to protect and serve your community by making places as safe as possible. So give the police a break because if you saw what kind of people they deal with everyday, you would sympathize with them a little more. Remember they are our there protecting us!!!! They are not our enemies.

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he should have gotten a ticket for not yelding to on coming trafic. i have been hit once and my wife once when a guy did run a very hot pink to red light and we pulled to turn out of th intersection. in each case we were both sited with that citation of failure to yeld, But that police dept is a bunch of You know whats anyways.




Sorry to hear about the accident...but in all actuality the cop can do anything to the illegals due to the fact that he has no jurisdiction. Although the cop was a jerk, people need to stop blaming cops for not doing anything because the truth is hey can’t do anything with the illegals! All the cop could have done was call INS and report them. Until our government gets theirr heads out of their a$$, we are just going to have to deal with this. You have to remember that if these illegas cant be held accountable for anything like a traffic violation due to the fact that they have no personal information to hold them accountable for (i.e social security number, physical address ect..)


And the comment made about police by Arizona Guide….. Although some police are A$$ holes, they are there to protect and serve your community by making places as safe as possible. So give the police a break because if you saw what kind of people they deal with everyday, you would sympathize with them a little more. Remember they are our there protecting us!!!! They are not our enemies.




I understand that they deal with some pretty messed up people...but if they act that way towards most citizens they should not be a policeman.....if their job is to protect and serve then....the cop would have done more then what he did....he half-assed everything...in fact I thought it was a joke the way he treated everything....i was very dissapointed...dont get me wrong I do sympathize with what they have to go through on a day to day basis...but this guy was completely unprofessional. I say get a new job if you are going to act that way....he lacked common sense and reasoning...he did not do his job properly...plain and simple

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I've got one good friend who's a cop & know several others. They definetely have to deal with a lot of messed up crap, but that doesn't excuse shotty work on what he may have considered a "minor" incident. They're not just out there to protect us from criminals, but also to protect our rights. If this guy handled it poorly than you did the right thing - report it to his superior & let them handle it.


I knew I guy who worked for Phoenix PD & he once told me that when they stopped cars full of illegals the only thing they could do was run the plate to see if the car was hot. No license, no insurance, not registered to them.... didn't matter. If the plate didn't come back stolen, they let 'em go. He said INS wouldn't even bother to come out unless there was at least a dozen & they were too short staffed to spend the time messing with them when nothing would happen anyway.

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This whole deal is bigger than the 1 traffic accident for sure.

These people, mostly mexicans have found that they can break one law after another in the US and get away with it. ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS broke the law by entering the country without proper procedure and clearances. They continue to break laws and get a pass because the liberals scream bloody murder when the discussion comes up about deproting them or limiting the benefits they steal from US citizens.


Sure some of them, probably the majority are otherwise hard working people, but when you have 20 million of them you can bet your last taco that there are millions that will be problems in terms of committing further crimes. Many more people die in the US as a result of Criminal Aliens than die in the Iraq war on terror. Drunk driving, Home invasions, Delays in health care due to overcrowded hospital ERs. Go on and on and on.


I am fully against this new Amnesty deal that our politicians have cooked up. They have motives and they revolve around how can hey exploit the illegals to keep them in political power. Why else would they always be signing up new voters at these Immigration rallies. In 1 Texas county they nnow have found hundreds of illegas registered to vote in the US! Well I am in favor of kicking every last politician who supports the deal out of office. Including Bush!

Yes, They have problems in their own countries. It is time that they fix the problems themselves, and quit piling them on the United States. This is My country dammit. I am tired of us being taken advantage of by criminal invaders.


As I always say, I am in favor of LEGAL Immigration, but we must not allow criminals who break the existing law to get a pass and give them amnesty.

When your basement floods, you have to pump out the water before you can fix the problem. Lets get busy pumping! Stick the hose in AZ first.

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As said by ME ARIZONA GUIDE. I never said they were A holes dude. I said you know whats OK SO quote the right thing dude. I can say what i want anyways. I was shot at twice in that part of town by illeagles and yes it is on record there. They tryed to jack my truck from me after beatting the heck out of an ols lady and stealling her truck. And the cop from that city told me there is nothing i can do about it. Bull crap that is asult on a citizen of the united states by LAW BREAKERS. They were law breaker when they came here and still law breakers today. I understand that a trafic citation may be a bit difrent but it should not be. The only reason those guys that shot at me were prosecuted was because the Highway patrol was involved in it as the lady was on I-10.


Well another thing for you to know is i do suport Law inforcment. My father is Retired Law inforcment , My cousin is the seriff in cochise county, Along with two cousins that are deputies there. Most my friends are city cops, county cops, And borter patrtol.

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Remember az4life, there is a difference in MEXICANS AND ILLEGALS. YOU CAN BET YOUR LAST TACO ON THAT ONE TOO !

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Chill ARIZONA GUIDE..... ;) archeryasu didn't quote you, did he? He was simply calling-out your blanket statement about "that police department" (there, I quoted you....). He never said that you said that departement was a bunch of A-holes...... those were his words, not yours.


No offence, but in my opinion if you're going to make a blanket statement about a department like that, then you better be prepared to take a come-back. In fact, I don't recall db17 even mentioning the name of the specific police department, but you're making a negative statement about "that police department"??? :huh:


If I had a bad experience with a guide (which I never have.....), would it be fair to lump all guides into the category of "you know whats"???


Just a thought...





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Oh OK i will take it back. I said "that police department " So i am sory to the city of "that" for saying That about that police department. Yes my blanket statement to an un named department was very harsh so i will chill out. I always thought that when someone hit the quote thing and your post was automaticly set on there post that they were quoting you. Even more so when they bring your name up again about that quote. SO stanly thanks for requoting me again in your post. ;) You have know idea what was ment by me saying you know whats either. It can mean many things.

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I understand the cop can not do pretty much nothing about the guy being illegal (even though he is illegally in our country) :ph34r: ....my whole point on filing a complaint was that he was very unprofessional and did not treat anyone at the scene with respect. I found it irritating so I did the most I can do. I have a feeling some people are being offended about the negativity towards policeman....I just had a bad experience with one of them. I respect all the policeman i have talked with. They are great people



az4life...lets start a vigilante :P ....if the government isnt going to fix anything maybe its time for the citizens to act. Actually im just thinking about taking away my U.S citizenship and then come back as an illegal. I can get away tons of things i would get in trouble for if I was a citizen :rolleyes: . J/K about that Im proud to be an American..but its true that the illegals almost have more rights then we do



but....this country is still going to heck

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Hmm.... didn't think of that. I guess he kind of did quote you then.


I agree that 'you know whats' can mean many things. Called my kids a bunch of 'you know whats' just this morning by the way.... :D :D Little rascals are hard to control on a Friday morning sometimes.... ;)





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One question db17, with all do respect how are you so certain that the guy who hit you was illegal because in your earlier post you mention that it was just your belief that he was. And yes that local law inforcement officer does have the authority to detain someone if he is illegal until Immigration and Customs Enforcement get's there.

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