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Advice please: 5B-S early Nov. archery bull

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My buddy got drawn for 5B-S early Nov. archery bull. He asked me to post for advice/tips/tactics on this hunt. We have hunted 5B-S for early archery bull for many years and taken many bulls/cows from our favorite area, which is near FR211. However, this November hunt is a whole different game.....since the bulls are not bugling. Any advice, tactics, experience on this particular hunt is appreciated.

Is it hard to find the elk this time of year?

Should we expect the elk to be further north, into the junipers? or is this based on weather?

The bulls should be separated from the cows...right?

Where we hunt in September is not very conducive to glassing. Is it more effective to glass more open country?


Thanks in advance!

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those late archery hunts are very difficult. there are some guys on here that hunt them every year. the bulls will not be rutting and most likely bachelored up. glass, pattern and try to get ahead of them moving between feeding/bedding areas is probably your best bet. the best thing about those hunts is the low pressure

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Greyghost is right. It can be a tough hunt especially if your buddy did not scout LAST nov. to see where they tend too hang out.


Nov. is always a typically dry month though so at least you dark canyons and water sources will give you the best chance. If your buddy can take a couple days prior to the hunt to scout he will be 50% more prepared than others unless he knows the area pretty well.


The 5BS bulls get pushed HARD close to the southern tip of the unit. Be smart and scout hard right before the hunt.

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I always find them on water. Water Water Water

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Sit water or be able to shoot to 200 with your bow. If u yell freeze. The elk wont run so it gives your arrow a few seconds to make it there.

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Yup, prey for no moisture during that time of year. If it does rain or snow it'll basically be a spot and stalk hunt only. Really fun hunt though, hunting skills will definitely put to the test.

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