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Hello All,


I am new AZ and want to start hunting and heard about coues deer and kinda read up on them and they all directed me to coueswhitetail.com!


I wanna get into hunting out here and just wondering what tips on hunting out here in AZ. Are there friendlier units for newer hunters? I want to put in for rifle deer and have been a resident for a year now so Im ready to put in.


Thank you

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Number one thing you will hear is buy the best optics you can afford, put them on a tripod and glass basically until your eyes fall out. It takes a lot of patience but it is the most common and effective way to hunt here. As far as units, I would stick to a unit close to home and take some time to get out and hike/scout it this summer and early fall. The closer to home the easier it will be to get to know it. Hope this helps

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I was looking into getting some swarovski 15x56's with a tripod. and I have a savage long range hunter 300 win mag.




Yes it does thank you! Im willing to take all advise and help!

So a lot of glassing? and I live in Ahwatukee so closer units to Phoenix?

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deerhunter31- you can get drawn and hunt coues with a rifle every year. the draw odds and hunt success are available on line at azgfd ..... hunt az. I use my 10x42 binos a lot. most coues live in rugged country so getting in good shape is a good idea. have you shot a deer with your 300??

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No i haven't. but a couple coyotes and I started reloading for it.


Is there a unit that you would recommend close to phx to start scouting and put in for?


And thats what I've been reading to get in shape and hike in and get off the roads because a lot of people just road hunt?

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don't believe these morons. if coues went to school they'd take the short bus. i shot one less than 1/4 mile from my front porch last year. left my binos home and just used my mohawk .243. why glass so far away the season is over before you can get there? just be sneaky and smart. welcome to Az. Lark.

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Deerhunter31- i can find more deer faster with my 10-42 binos. they are lighter than the 15's. i can find coues with the 15's i would not see with the 10s coues ( and coyotes) are small target, challenging target. coues are generally shot at longer ranges. an accurate rifle helps. having a good, solid strategy for putting for the draw is also key. taking the hunter safety course with give you another pt , increasing your odds for a tag. pm to be sent.

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Yeah " I wouldn't listen to any of these guys." My personal opinion agreeing with .270 is especially take .270's advice with a grain of salt. J.S.R. Has givin the best advise so far.


It really depends on what type of deer you are looking for. Every coues unit holds giants. If you are just looking for a branch antlered deer doesnt matter the unit. Look at the draw odds. Apply accordingly. If you want a big buck homework is the key. The more scouting you can do the better. Apply close to home so you can make the most out of your scouting.


Glass glass glass and glass some more. The better your optics the better your success. You can get away with anything but the most successful guys out there have the best money can buy. There's a reason for that.


you gotta think about what a deer would be. How can I hide from all these hunters. (Lay down and stay hidden) Look there. And look multiple times. Persistence and patience.


Good luck!!!!

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I'm only 24 and don't need a monster buck by any means I've killed a deer with my bow before and was just a spike by fork and not in it for the trophy just love getting out in the field and enjoy the outdoors. I really am in it for meat and experience and just want to get hunting tactics down and become a successful hunter even if that means taking a forky at the end of the day.


I live in ahwatukee and was wondering which units would be best to put in for?


I have some vortex diamondback 10x42's but just bought some Swarovski 15's from cameralandny.com. But still need to get a tripod never needed it with 10's.

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I believe that one of the biggest things to do is go out and scout as many times as possible. Like Becker said these coues hide very well, so by scouting you will be able to pick up traits about coues such as where they like to bed and stay hidden. This will allow you to glass in areas that have higher odds of finding coues other than scanning the whole hillside with no patterns. Another big thing to me is staying out for the whole day (if you can). I just listened to Jay Scott's podcast which said that many deer get up and move around 10-11 a.m. and I could not agree with this more. If you don't have amazing glass it is very difficult to spot coues when bedded, but when they stand up and move a little bit it is a huge advantageous (especially for amateur glassers like my self). I would say that half of the coues that my family have taken has been between 10-12, so stay out there and keep glassing places that you have already gone over 30 times, because the deer will show up.

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I'm only 24 and don't need a monster buck by any means I've killed a deer with my bow before and was just a spike by fork and not in it for the trophy just love getting out in the field and enjoy the outdoors. I really am in it for meat and experience and just want to get hunting tactics down and become a successful hunter even if that means taking a forky at the end of the day.


I live in ahwatukee and was wondering which units would be best to put in for?


I have some vortex diamondback 10x42's but just bought some Swarovski 15's from cameralandny.com. But still need to get a tripod never needed it with 10's.

All the advice is solid. Now look at the recommendations by game and fish for units in your area and go start looking. You now need boots on the ground (eyes behind glass) . I've seen all all you need to know posted here to just go learn.

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Listen to this podcast: http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/57909-finding-and-hunting-giant-coues-bucks-with-devin-beck/?do=findComment&comment=561059


As far as which unit to go with, any of the southern units will be good. Any of the 36's, 34's 35's, 33, 32. Each unit offers 4 different rifle seasons so put in for the one that is convenient for you. You should know that the late December hunts are going to be the more difficult to draw hunts but almost all the others should be almost guaranteed tags. Once you get a tag learn the unit using many resources such as this website, Google earth, azgfd website, and even the wildlife manager for the unit. Find some country that looks "deery" and pick it apart with your newly purchased 15's. I don't think you will have any trouble finding them. Also keep in mind that while hunting the southern units you may have encounters with illegal aliens.

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