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Fishing Report from Sunrise Lake (05/22)

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Well I got my wife and 3 kids (ages 10, 6, and 5) up this morning at 5:00 to head from Pine Top to do a little fishing at Sunrise Lake. Here is the play by play of how it went:

  • 5:45 - Arrived at the lake and started walking to our usual fishing spot.
  • 5:45 and 10 seconds - The youngest two started whining about freezing to death.
  • 6:00 - Lines were in the water and the youngest two were curled up in balls in my wife's lap.
  • 6:05 - My wife had all of the whining and crying she could handle and took the youngest two back to sit in the truck.
  • 6:15 - My 10 years old tripped on a rock and fell into the mud and water.
  • 6:20 - My 10 year old was certain he was near death from the cold and was suffering from frost bite (in his mind) .
  • 6:25 - I am the only one fishing because everyone else is in the truck watching a movie.
  • 7:00 - The wind really picks ups and the waves start caping over. My wife calls me on my cell phone because the kids want to know if we have caught anything but won't get out of the truck, and they are all dying of starvation.
  • 8:00 - Not one single bite. I concede the battle to the fish, my wife, and kids. I carry all of our gear, chairs, tackle, etc back by myself cause no one is getting out of the truck to help dad.
To sum it up, the fishing was lousy and I may need a straight jacket before this weekend is over, but it is sure beats being back in the valley at work. Also, we saw about eight different groups of elk between Pine Top and Sunrise. Three of the bulls were saw were already looking massive and will be monsters in a few months.


Wife and kids hanging out back in the truck



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Better than a day at work ... What you using for bait? Sunrise can be a tough lake for shore fishing and is one of those lakes where heavier line a more weight to get out further and deeper can be your best bet ... way back an old-timer from Greer showed us a way that has always produced on that lake from shore using Power bait and inflated night crawlers ... either work great on a single hook behind 1 - 2 oz barrel weights ... Or do a double hook rig using power bait on a short leader up front and trailing an inflated night crawler a couple feet back ... get it out there far and in no time you can fill a stringer of those football Rainbows!

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The water level is extremely low right now. We tried a combination of Power Bait and worms. I have fished this spot quite a bit in the past with a lot of success. As I was pretty much by myself, an older gentleman fishing 50 yards down (we were the only ones on there) came to chat for a bit. He said it was red hot a couple of weeks ago and they were limiting out within an hour using Power Bait. He fished it yesterday and caught 1 fish in 6 hours. Bad timing I guess.

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The water level is extremely low right now. We tried a combination of Power Bait and worms. I have fished this spot quite a bit in the past with a lot of success. As I was pretty much by myself, and older gentleman fishing 50 yards down (we were the only ones on there) came to to chat for a bit. He said it was red hot a couple of weeks ago and they were limiting out within an hour using Power Bait. He fished it yesterday and caught 1 fish in 6 hours. Bad timing I guess.

Timing can be everything .. Still better than being at work like some of Us .. Have a fun safe weekend !

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Glad your son was OK. Getting wet when it is chilly out isn't any fun. Short Story, a few years ago my son and I were fishing the spillway at Woods Canyon Lake when a couple drove their boat up to the shore to call it quits for the day.

It was chilly out and getting close to sundown and it was obvious they had been drinking a bit. She steps out onto a rock and looses her balance and goes down getting submerged up to her chest. She wobbles up droaning on how cold it is with a few OMG's and choice cuss words, meanwhile the guy is just sitting in the back of the boat. My son and I are just looking at each other not saying a word.

She takes a few steps and slips and goes darn near in again up to her eyebrows. She stands up OMGing about how cold it is walking away very slowly stiff as a board.

We had all we could do to keep from laughing but at least she appeared to not have been hurt. I mention something to my son about the guy probably sleeping alone tonight. They were camped not to far from us in the Spillway Campground and when we drove past them and the other couple they were with in the morning nobody was talking as they were packing up to go.

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Sounds a lot like my fishing trips... Bring more movies, this removes the guilt of staying out there fishing by yourself ALL day.. LOL

You get an E for effort though Dad!

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weather can definately put a damper on things....still fun to get out...kids will remember that trip

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Lol, not what I was expecting!

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I remember being a kid and fishing there with my dad in the 70's at the crack a$$ of dawn and how miserable cold it was in the summer. Wouldnt trade those memories for anything! we used velveta cheese dipped in garlic salt or cod liver oil,I gotta get back there!

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Gotta have a few not so good trips to make the really good ones stand out! Way to go to get them out there at least! You did good!

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Good stuff right there. Did you ever get back out to fish? :)



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