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Non-Typical Solutions

What is next for the Prez?

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As much as I would like to see his next move be a short drop with a sudden stop, I cant say that I disagree with this move. In spite of the 'to protect and serve' or whatever else is written on their car, I dont believe the police will ever be a force that stands against the fed in protection of citizens and their civil liberties. The local leos will be the thumb an overbearing federal government will use to squash your rights. Some may refuse, but most are family men who depend on their salaries and will do what theyre told leaning on the 'i just did my job' justification. That being the case, should civilians ever need to stand their ground, its nothing but our benefit for these pd's to have fewer tanks, automatic weapons, armor, etc.

I am one of those local LEOs and I can assure that a lot of cops feel the same way about this country and the constitution as you and I. You just never hear about them.

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Guest wdenike




I sure hope you are right, and thank you for what ya do. But we will have to count on the good ones to keep a watchful eye. Because even the military. That is suppose to be pure, and sacred. Is being cherry picked at the top. With people with a political ideology. So I'm sure it is at your level also. Putting the real boots on the ground in danger. Proof of this. Is Baltimore, and that jerk general that made the statement losing Ramadi in Iraq wasn't important. After all them kids died gaining control of the chit hole. Oh, well like I said hope ya are right. But I sure would be carful!!!!







Take care, Willie

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Don't get me wrong, there are some CLUELESS people running around with a badge. But there are a lot who believe in civil liberties and actually understand the oath they took. Like in any profession there is a wide array of personalities and intelligence. Just know that there are oath keepers amongst us! Just remember, the vast majority of LEOs are former military.

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Don't get me wrong, there are some CLUELESS people running around with a badge. But there are a lot who believe in civil liberties and actually understand the oath they took. Like in any profession there is a wide array of personalities and intelligence. Just know that there are oath keepers amongst us! Just remember, the vast majority of LEOs are former military.

Curtis thanks for your input and also for doing the job you do. I would love to be wrong on this, and I hope that our country/government never deteriorates to the point that its tested. But if things do reach that point, my money goes on human weakness and self preservation, principles be damned. When studying econ it was referred to as the law of rational self-interest: People will always act in their own best interests first.

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