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what kind of scat?

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not a great pic i know but it was with the camera phone and was really bright out. prolly an inch in diameter and 6 inches long maybe. either a yote or a cougar but i can't tell. left a cam there and have never gotten a cougar pic maybe a lone coyote now and then. any ideas?


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I would say yote. They have a habit of going right on top of things. ;)

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Could be illegals







Very interesting none the less. It does look like 'yote to me also, but what does lion scat look like? :huh: I would guess close to the same, and I've been told it tends to have a lot of fur in it? Anyway to be sure?

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What's it taste like? Yote tastes more like rodents and rabit, while lion tastes more like deer and elk. In a month or two the yotes will start eating the fawns and calves and will be much more difficult to distinguish.

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Not a cat. Cats make a scratch in the dirt. Josh/GRONG put some pictures of cat scratches on this sight somewhere a while back. Dogs like to go on top of things like that. What is in it?



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it was on a trick tank that i have never got a pic of a lion on. just a yote once in a while.

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