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Its official- 2015 El Nino

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Even though it is bad for Australia and the south pacific it tends to bring us "higher" than average rain fall.


Sounds like all the signs point to a banner year for antler growth. If this is truly the case I look forward to a healthy fawn drop and some good regrowth in the burns!


Good luck to all of you who have elk tags. I hope you all have fun and miss the "big one" until I get my tag! haha

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maybe it'll be a rebound year. 6 inches so far at the Rancho Neglecto this year. maybe it'll be another '83. we floated a bull out in my row boat on black river above crosby crossing that year. Lark.

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maybe it'll be a rebound year. 6 inches so far at the Rancho Neglecto this year. maybe it'll be another '83. we floated a bull out in my row boat on black river above crosby crossing that year. Lark.


You cant post something like that without pictures...that's like posting "I shot a trophy..."

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it was in '83. ask around RV. lotsa folks seen it. i do have some old kodaks tho. it was an adventure. put the head up in the front like a viking boat. one wild ride for sure. Lark.

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I remember when we had a ton of rain back in about 78/79. SRP had no choice but to let water out of Saguaro into the Lower Salt and then into the riverbottom. The only way across it was on Central Ave, the I-10 by the airport and Mill Ave. ASU had just built and paved a new parkinglot and it go washed away.

I also remember when the Gila flooded in 93. Sure made a mess out of Paloma Ranch and that whole area along the river.

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i hope your right...but seems like every year some turd weather guy says its an "El Nino" year

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the winter of 78/79 was a good wet winter. excellent run off that spring. the turd floater of '83 was in september. had an extremely wet year, especially the summer, up to that. then in september it started to rain and just about didn't quit in the mountains. big lake, crescent lake. all the greer lakes, nelson lake and lyman lake all ran over the spillway in september. first time in history for lyman to do that. the frisco had such a stream it almost washed clifton away. trees turned the railroad tressle into a dam and flooded the heck outta things. that's why they built the flood gates there where you cross the river. you can normally jump across black river. it was raging. probably over 100 feet across in the skinny places. crosby crossing turned into about a 200 acre lake. ran over the spillway on the north end and out of the smaller culvert on the south end of the crossing. during the early bull hunt it was really hard to get anywhere. you couldnt' get across places that never had water. my pal shot a bull across black river from us a couple miles above crosby xing on sunday evening. we skunt it out and went back the next day with my row boat and pulled it up the creek from crosby, floated across, loaded the bull and whitewatered it back out. had about 3 inches of freeboard with me and him and big ol' bull in the boat. took about 5 minutes to get out. what a ride. put the head up in the front like a viking boat. there was an ol' guy named shorty haws that was a woods boss for southwest timber. they called him shorty because he was only 6'8". little guy. anyway, he was crossing the dike when we were floating past to get to the truck. he said to us laughing "BOY'S, I SEEN A LOTTA THINGS ON THIS MOUNTAIN IN THE LAST 50 YEARS, BUT THAT'S THE FIRST TIME I EVER SEEN A ELK IN A BOAT" it was a good day. Lark.

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i hope your right...but seems like every year some turd weather guy says its an "El Nino" year

Like making turds, forecasting the weather is an art and a science.

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When it comes to "el niño" and wet weather, I will believe it when I see it. At best I think weathermen just guess and hope they are right.



But boy I hope they are right this time!!

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I remember 83 ,I was landscaping and we couldn't lay sod ,or even get any for 3-4 weeks in sept........BOB!

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The weatherman in Arizona are right a lot. June:...Sunny and HOT!!....July...Sunny and HOT!!! Sep.....2%chance of rain but it will be Sunny and HOT!!!! etc..etc..etc

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Here is the forecaster that I heard it from- can't be wrong. Tried posting the video but it would work.


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do not know about el nino but while in Corpus Cristi,TX this past few days it has rained well over 14' in just 2 days

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83 flood I was 3-4months old, we were the last ones over the bridge leaving Clifton (as I'm told. Two aunts in Clifton list a lot during that flood. 1993 flood never hit town but scared a lot of folks! It seems about every 10-15 yrs there's a heavy rain, snow. We've been overdue. Hope it's a good year for rain but not dangerous.

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