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Amandas dog Julie

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I'm so very sorry all of you had to go through such a horrible experience. Every now & then one of them (predators) hunt the wrong species & the right thing was done by tracking him down & eliminating him. He would have continued & possibly moved onto humans. So so sad


RIP Julie

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I see someone already posted this, but perhaps it is easier to read when pasted into a post. Another friend sent me this by email and I find it to be a very appropriate poem to express how I feel. I took this photo while we were out doing owl surveys on the San Carlos many years ago. She posed like this often to survey the area around her. We called it her "posing for Gun Dog Magazine" look. It was nearly impossible to get photos of her like this because she didn't stay still like that for long enough to get a camera out.



Pawprints Left By You

You no longer greet me,
As I walk through the door.
You're not there to make me smile,
To make me laugh anymore.
Life seems quiet without you,
You were far more than a pet.
You were a family member, a friend,
A loving soul I'll never forget.
It will take time to heal -
For the silence to go away.
I still listen for you,
And miss you every day.
You were such a great companion,
Constant, loyal and true.
My heart will always wear,
the paw-prints left by you.

-Teri Harrison

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Julie was the best dog ever. She was loved by many. :wub: Rest in peace pretty girl. :)



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So very very sorry to hear of your loss of Julie Amanda. Dogs are amazing companions. They don't care a whip about giving their life if it means protecting yours. I'm sure she was on alert about the situation and the lion just had the edge and was apparently not afraid. A friend years back had a very similar situation up there but the lion didn't cause as much initial damage and the vet was able to patch things up. Again very sorry to hear about this and how it all happened. Glad the lion was killed but also sorry for Clark and his loss in the pursuit. I'm sure Julie is scratching out a nice soft spot above and turning around three times to lay down and watch over you. Keep the good memories of Julie to the front. My thoughts are with you and Paul.



Funny that you mention her making a daybed as I enjoyed watching her do that very thing on her last evening as we were waiting to start an owl survey at sunset. She dug a spot out under a thin bush by a pine tree and circled around it several times before laying down in it. She was kind of funny about day beds....she often spent a bunch of time making one (often showering us with dirt as she made it) and then circling around and not lying in it but moving somewhere else. Funny girl. But that evening as we waited for sunset, the bed was made just right in the moist earth from the earlier rain and it kept her comfortable until it was time to start working.

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I had a lot of trouble reading your story and am very, very sorry for your loss. As you know there are a lot of people sending positive thoughts and prayer your way.


I knew there were very rare circumstances where lions lose fear of people and/or dogs but this one changes the nonchalant feel I've had about my dog wandering about in the woods. Now I need to decide if my wife needs to know about this story or if it will go better unsaid.


Your dog was beautiful and her personality and attitude seem to fit her appearance. Again, so very sorry for your loss.

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I finally took the time to read this entire thread. I'm so sorry for your loss, Amanda. I will own these tears welling up in my eyes right now. Your real nightmare was one of my biggest worries back when I did MSO surveys and had my German shepherds with me. We frequently found fresh tracks and I used to think that there was no way a lion would tangle with a GSD. I've lost two GSDs to cancer, so I know how much it sucks to make that decision before you are ready. I can't imagine having to stand there, watching it go down and not be able to help. My heart aches for you and your husband. If only dogs could live forever. My daughter asked me the other day "If you could have one superpower, what would it be?" I didn't know the answer then, but I know now that it would be to give dogs eternal life for all they do for us. My family and I are sending you our deepest condolences and best prayers.

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Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers. It's still unbelievably painful and it's hard to see how it will get any easier, but each day is slightly better than the last. We are grateful that we at least know what happened to her and were able to take her home with us. We always feared she would fall in a mine shaft or off a cliff or get killed by javelina or a bear while she was out running scent and we would never find her. At least we don't have to endlessly be searching for her. That would have been worse.


FYI, I was just informed by the USFS that a lion grabbed a 6 month old labrador while it and the owner were hiking Eagle Creek. Site sponsor Sam Dieringer of Dieringer Outfitters took care of the offending lion. Thanks to Sam for taking care of that situation. I have workers who hike alone or with their dog at night in that area.


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Glad they killed it Amanda. I worked cattle on Eagle creek and there are a bunch of lions there. Another killer gone.

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Guest 300ultramag.

unfortunately these lions are really good at what they do. I often wonder if one were to grab a hold of my little one and having the same exact outcome as you did (all in a matter of seconds)Its an eye opener that these lions are always hunting and always watching, to think just because we are upright makes us immune, is an unfortunate sense of security. Thank you Julie for giving us so much happiness- for all these years. You are missed young lady.

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