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Amandas dog Julie

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I love the picture of her jumping in the air. She looks very happy!!!!!!


It may not help much, but there is a very real possibility that she saved one of you from being attacked. She very likely saved your lives!!!!!!!!





She loved the snow and she was running full speed at me when I snapped the photo. She was almost always in constant motion so it was hard to get action shots like that one. I love it too! She ran with that same look on her face all the time, just thrilled to be alive.

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Sad stuff . Verry sorry. My Wifes 13 year old beagle needs put down and neither of us can do it. I am gonna have to They are like Are kids. Thoughts To You Amanda..........BOB!

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Sorry for your loss. Julie had very personified facial features and coloring. Thats one of the craziest and saddest lion stories of all time.

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That's a heartbreaking story. I've lost dogs before that were my best friends, and I felt like I was kicked in the stomach. Julie certainly didn't deserve to go out that way, But things happen beyond our control. Glad to hear that menace of a Mountain Lion was taken out.


Best wishes always!

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Your story was gut wrenching! Tested up a few times since I've lost a few good dogs. Last good dog was stomped by cattle that run thru our place. She loved the cows and always hearded them away from the house (not our cows) she also snuck out of the yard to do so one day after grocery shopping late in the evening we came home, she was swollen and hurt bad. I followed her blood trail out of the yard. The hoove print on her side was a dead give away as to what happened. It was a very sad day shooting that dog. Amanda, Julie went out knowing she was the best, she had conquered all woods maybe even the one she was in. No regrets, I'd say she wasn't surprised. I'd say she took one for the team! True or not she saved peoples lives. dang dogs (kids) we love them so much!!

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Just want to give u a big hug from my Lane family to yours. Losing a dog is never easy and I couldn't image being in your hunting boots. I read that when ever u see a hawk in the wild its a spirt of a lost love one saying hello.


After I lost my grandad a light pole I drive bye while I head home from work has had a hawk hunting on it almost once a week. Nice to know our love ones are hunting daily.





Ps your pm box is full

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You are very strong in sharing the turn of events. These photos really show her wonderful spirit and love for life. I always say that I wish people were more like our dogs. Everyone would be more honest, loving, faithful, and true.

I look forward to you posting your tribute. You have plenty of time.


I hope you can continue to be strong and that her lasting smile will help heal your heartache. I pray for you and Paul.

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Truly sorry for your loss. Dogs sure touch our hearts in a very special way and Julie clearly did that for you. Like others have said, she may have saved an attack on one of you.

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I tend to think Amanda, that Julie was trying to protect you and Paul as she sensed something around there. Dogs are an amazing animal with instincts we don't understand sometimes. She was protecting her friends and loved ones and gave the ultimate sacrifice for you and Paul. Be proud of of her and remember how wonderful she was and how she wasn't gonna let anything hurt you 2.


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So sorry for your loss. To lose a dog is very hard, I can only imagine how hard it was to see this happen in the outdoors - a place we all love and feel safe in.

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So very very sorry to hear of your loss of Julie Amanda. Dogs are amazing companions. They don't care a whip about giving their life if it means protecting yours. I'm sure she was on alert about the situation and the lion just had the edge and was apparently not afraid. A friend years back had a very similar situation up there but the lion didn't cause as much initial damage and the vet was able to patch things up. Again very sorry to hear about this and how it all happened. Glad the lion was killed but also sorry for Clark and his loss in the pursuit. I'm sure Julie is scratching out a nice soft spot above and turning around three times to lay down and watch over you. Keep the good memories of Julie to the front. My thoughts are with you and Paul.

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That's terrible. I just buried a 15 year old basset that didnt go on her own terms. It sucks.



I hate having to put a dog down I call it the ultimate betrayal.

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