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Hunting 36B ,October vs. Early November , can you give some feedback

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For the last 21 years I have hunted the early hunt ( end of Oct). I am entertaining doing the early November hunt this year and when looking at the Harvest Data , I see that the number of 1st choice applicants is less than for the October hunt.

Surprised by that . Wondering what the reason / reasons might be. The weather should be cooler which has an appeal as the last number of years have been pretty warm in Oct.

I do appreciate any thoughts you might have on why the early Nov. hunt appears to be not as desired as the Oct. hunt.

Thank you in advance for your help


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You get first crack at them during october hunt. By early november they have already been pressured, shot at, or killed.

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^ Definitely this. ^


With consideration that I hunt a little farther from roads than most, I personally would choose the hunt with less moon, regardless of the first crack.

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Take the October Hunt every time .... If you want cooler and are thinking November spend thanksgiving Down there and kick Black Friday off with a rifle in your hand...

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You get first crack at them during october hunt. By early november they have already been pressured, shot at, or killed.


This. Last year the November hunt was a tough one. They were already highly pressured and pushed further back into the country than normal.

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Last year the first November hunt sucked hairy man butt.

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I have hunted both the Oct hunt and the first Nov hunt in 36B many times. The draw back for the Oct hunt is the heat, it's basically a sweat hunt. The first Nov hunt has been lined up with my off time at work for the past three years, so I have gone on it. The Deer have definetly been pressured by then and most of your bigger smarter Deer are a little harder to hunt then.

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I have hunted both the Oct hunt and the first Nov hunt in 36B many times. The draw back for the Oct hunt is the heat, it's basically a sweat hunt. The first Nov hunt has been lined up with my off time at work for the past three years, so I have gone on it. The Deer have definetly been pressured by then and most of your bigger smarter Deer are a little harder to hunt then.

minus about 4 years ago when it was freezing and wet that entire late Oct. hunt .... 36b always pays off best , like pretty much any other unit, when you get out there away from the roads and get a little rougher and remote... Still if I am going to hunt in November it is going to be that late hunt ....

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Jim , How many You got going this Year? I think where You go , on the 2nd hunt you would be ok pressure wise........GOOD LUCK OLE BUDDY.............BOB!

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You'd be lucky to have a 5° difference in those hunts. Ones scorching, the other is blistering.

Not for 2014 my November hunt was 10-15 degrees cooler then it was in October. But yes you do trade off maybe better cooler weather, and you lose the first crack at them on the first hunt. I hate hunting in the hot heat !

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Thanks for all of the input . I was looking for cooler .

Temps ( you know , that global warming thing ) seem to have gotten warmer since I started hunting there in the late 90's. We had about 4" of snow one year and have had temps in the 20's in the early a.m. Several years ago , temps toward the high 90's and an extra trip to Arrivaca for ice ( none available ) and continuing to Amado to get some.


Bob, if we go early Nov. it will only be two us, if Oct. , prob five of us. How about joining us again.



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Jim , I would love to. See what happens with me financially and health wise. After my surgery last march on shoulder I never healed correctly .recently had another mri and a tendon is completely torn. I told him surgery will have to wait till after elk hunt. Can't drive the big truck no more so aint making the big bucks now. Seeing a lawyer in 2 weeks. Was hopeing to be back living in AZ in sept. but dont think its gonna happen . Gotta get my issues legally taken care of up here first. Gotta sell this danm Mobile home I bought also. and with oil going in the pot there is alot of them for sale all of a sudden. Maybee IL'L get that tag on a leftover cause I got 8 points and don't wanna burn em on that hunt..Keep in touch........BOB!

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