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Drop Camps

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Have any of you guys ever hired any outfitters here in AZ to pack you into your hunt area, drop you off and then come back 4 or 5 days latter to pack you back out. I've always thought this would be a great way to get back into the back country (wilderness areas) and spend a good amount of time away from the crowds. Who provides this service?

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Guest Ernesto C

Do you have to hire an outfitter to do that? :rolleyes: How much you are willing to pay? I can do that shiper than any outfitter :lol:

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No, it doesn't need to be an outfitter. Anybody with horses or mules willing to pack a group of hunters and their gear a few miles back into an area and then come back and pick them up a few days latter. No guide service needed. I think it would be a great way to spend the maximum amount of time hunting in a remote area in relative comfort and away from the crowds. Whats this worth? ~$100 to $200 each?

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It will cost you alot more that that to be packed in and picked up. You would probably spend about the same as an un guided hunt. My cousin does this for people he uses his five horses and three mules. He will pack you in about 10 or 12 miles to your picked location and drop you. Then at the end of the week he will ride back in and haul you out.

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AG is right. A good drop camp will tend to run $900-1200. Generally, though - everything is included. Some of the Outfitters that I work with (as a Booking Agent) do drop camps. I have never booked a drop camp, but do have people ask about them now and then - usually for Colorado.

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