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unit 10 Bulls

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I have some photos of a 10 bull that makes the last one look like a raghorn, but I can't find them! Kind of blurry as it was right before sunup and the bull was trotting along, but definitely discernible how big he is.....I'll keep looking.

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looks like a shooter - - maybe on the last day-- how long since you been elk hunting ?


that's a nice bull but 10 should hold a few monsters especially on that early hunt

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Gary ,I will make My guide hold my bullets....LOL............BOB!

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With a good guide service, a 380"+ bull is very possible. With the rains early this spring, maybe even better. With a DIY hunt with limited scouting time, I would be thrilled with a 360"+ bull. That is my opinion. And I would be really hard pressed to pass a 360" bull opening morning. Even after a 16-17 year wait between elk hunts.

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Bob has already shot a 360 bull. He's gonna shoot a spike early season and save a 360 for my late hunt. HUH Bob?

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