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Big Browns

Snowy Turkey Hunt

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Great hunt and recap! Congrats to you and your wife!

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Was wondering when we were gonna hear the story. Great job Adam and congrats to the wife in the dead head. I'm sure you'll fill us in at the banquet

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Congratulations on the frozen bird. Sounds like quite the interesting trip. Way to get it done in not so fun conditions.

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Thanks guys! To say my wife was happy would be a huge understatment! She has shown the head to everyone she knows. She is already talking about finding another one.


Our anniversary is coming up soon. Last night she asked me if we could go on a shed hunting trip for our anniversary. Gotta love my wife. If you would have met my wife before we got married you would have NEVER thought she would she would become a hunter. Now she has become a shed hunting freak. That's all she wants to do. She also loves watching hunting shows on tv. When I come home from work it's not uncommon to find her watching the outdoor channel by herself. She has really suprised me and all my friends. I'm very lucky to have her!



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Great story. What shotgun is that? You are the first one I have ever seen kill a turkey with an over/under. Is that head on the wall yet?

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Great story. What shotgun is that? You are the first one I have ever seen kill a turkey with an over/under. Is that head on the wall yet?


It's a 12 gauge Baikal Over Under. It's the first gun I ever bought. I've used this gun to kill 5-6 birds over the past 5 years in New Mexico and Arizona. I call it my Turkey Slayer:) Not many people use Over Under's for Turkey. I understand why, because it's a disadvantage. I only do it, because I like the picture of me holding my O/U with my Turkey:)


Next year I'm planning on using my Beretta 28 gauge O/U:)

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Fantastic!!! Congratulations!!

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Adam, congrats!!! Absolutely awesome story. Reading it makes me think about our turkey hunt last year and how much fun it was! Reading this one sure kept me in suspense though, b/c it shows all the hard work you went through to get that bird. And I was out on the lake with my sister on Sunday attempting to get her a fish with one hour time on the water (they didn't like the cold), and it was real cold with snow on Woods Canyon Lake at the time! You had to be hunting your a off to be out there in that cold. Way to go man!!!

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Awesome story! Talk about a roller coaster! Congrats to all of you on this hunt. Sounds like everyone came away with something.

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