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You tell me, how timely is this rain?

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I don't recall ever being this interested in seeing how the bucks n bulls racks are going to turn out especially if we get lucky with a storm or two in June and I don't even got an elk tag. Hopefully I can get lucky and pull a strip tag this year.

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Tequilla makes my girlfriends clothes fall off! Oh wait, that was a country song. but its true.................BOB!

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My Bull keeps growing. I hope He doesn't get to big!.........BOB!

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My Bull keeps growing. I hope He doesn't get to big!.........BOB!

Bob, they found a rare spotted frog that only lives in Unit 10. Whole unit shut down! Sorry bud!!! :) :) :)

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That would be my luck. Wait a lifetime and a rare frog shows up. My left shoulder mite falloff by then anyway.........BOB!

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Hey Bob, I am new to hunting but everything I hear is this is going to be a record book year. I know a lot of us here are pulling for you, don't let us down with a 350. 390 or bust man, no excuses. Eat right and exercise. This is your shot at stardome. Epic epic 2015. Wish I could offer some help in camp or something. Rfp buddy enjoy it all. Don't you dare skimp on the story and pics.

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More good soaking rain up on the Rim over the weekend and probably lots of other places. Most years its like a tinderbox up there by now, and it was soaked with standing water everywhere up there. Weird timing compared to most years, but I'm sure the critters will take full advantage.


Thank You God for your Showers of Blessing!

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My Bull keeps growing. I hope He doesn't get to big!.........BOB!

Just pass that one that's too big then. I will take care of him in Nov.

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Should I bring a canoe down for my unit 10 elk hunt..........BOB!

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