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Well I started this hunt out with a fair amount of hope for a bird. I ended this hunt with less hope for the Country! I have long known that people were becoming more lazy and less considerate towards others I just hadn't seen it in the hunting community. Thursday started out with us locating a flock around 2, setting up camp and roosting 2 gobblers that night. Awesome start! Got up the opening day at 330, got within 80 yds of the roost by 445. I waited for the birds to start gobbling on their own then started in with some tree yelps, purrs and clucks. They were gobbling back before I stopped each call EVERY time. These birds were fired up! Just before fly down, I hear branches crunching underfoot on the slope then BOOM. Lead in the air in the tree and over my head! I wanted to KILL someone! I'm not even sure how that's fun. What a start. We didn't bother confronting them. Found some other birds but couldn't bring them in on Saturday despite having roosted them on Friday night. We did manage to call in a dog. It was nice to shoot at something. We decided to pack up camp due to the impending snow storm and go shoot those birds as they came in to roost. We parked and waited for the day to pass to make our move. Then the Explorer indecent. This window licker parks his grocery getter next to us puts his K-mart gillie suit on comes over to ask us where we are headed. Keep in mind we are parked at a corner of the unit with the res on one side border road on the other and 500yds from a known roost. We proceed to state the obvious to all with a brain stem and he says "ok, Ill stay low" as if we are quail hunting. In another time this guys ride would have been in great jeopardy. If you see his soccer wagon out there just know he is there to jack up your plan! Good luck to all out there doing it right and thank you for not being a massive tool like the ones I ran into.



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In the words of the great Ron White...you just can't fix stupid. Nice dog tho ;)

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That is too bad, wish The G & F would make it illegal to shoot them out of the roost, like other states, not like it would stop some though.

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Can't fix Stupid. I hope that doesn't happen to Me as Iv'e lost patience as I get older.............BOB!

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Can't fix Stupid. I hope that doesn't happen to Me as Iv'e lost patience as I get older.............BOB!

Right there with ya Bob.... :angry:

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What a bummer. At least you got to shoot at something. It would make sense to ban shooting them in the roost.

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Well that sucks!


3B is always going to have that problem there are roads everywhere. I have had people drive up on ATV's, bikes, walking dogs, horseback, snowmobiles in the winter, in honda civics, and everything else imaginable. I tried bear hunting once and there was a vehicle every 500 yards as well as hunters running dogs. Pretty sure every bear that lived there was on the res by 6:00 AM.


It is kind of like trying to hunt on South Mountain with all of the traffic.

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Wait .. You are sitting in your truck more than a 1/4 mile from a Known Roost (not sure if your implication means known by many and/or all) and you are going to complain about a guy wanting to push out in an area where you are just sitting? It seems if he came up to you and asked , you did have an opportunity to direct some of how things may have gone down. How Many Square miles Does one reserve for themselves while sitting in a truck ( not really hunting ) ? I know if I have an area picked out, show up, and a couple guys are just sitting it out in a truck, I am going to give them the opportunity tell me their plans and I will adapt and try not to interfere bu that does not mean I am going to just drive miles away ... When you are out hiking and hunting, you are going to come across others often that have similar ideas and strategies, when this happens neither person is wrong but both should try and cooperate... But I am having a hard time grasping how sitting parked 1/4 + mile away from a Known roost ( did you know there were turkey on it or sitting back hoping to catch some moving in from the comfort of your truck?) entitles anyone to anything ... heck, others could come in from a different direction at that distance and you possibly would not even know. It is public land hunting, get used to curve balls being thrown at you and adapt ...

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Wait .. You are sitting in your truck more than a 1/4 mile from a Known Roost (not sure if your implication means known by many and/or all) and you are going to complain about a guy wanting to push out in an area where you are just sitting? It seems if he came up to you and asked , you did have an opportunity to direct some of how things may have gone down. How Many Square miles Does one reserve for themselves while sitting in a truck ( not really hunting ) ? I know if I have an area picked out, show up, and a couple guys are just sitting it out in a truck, I am going to give them the opportunity tell me their plans and I will adapt and try not to interfere bu that does not mean I am going to just drive miles away ... When you are out hiking and hunting, you are going to come across others often that have similar ideas and strategies, when this happens neither person is wrong but both should try and cooperate... But I am having a hard time grasping how sitting parked 1/4 + mile away from a Known roost ( did you know there were turkey on it or sitting back hoping to catch some moving in from the comfort of your truck?) entitles anyone to anything ... heck, others could come in from a different direction at that distance and you possibly would not even know. It is public land hunting, get used to curve balls being thrown at you and adapt ...

We should all just hold hands and walk through the forest together...

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Honestly, I will use my "soccer wagon" when the mood arises and I want to listen XM or I have to travel (31mpg) and do not need 4wd. Most of the time I do not use camo, I guess I am not a very good hunter. You were by the country club and you did not expect to see urban hunters.

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Some people can't afford a Kuiu and a lifted new truck. In college I hunted archery deer in jeans, had duct tape holding my quiver to my 15 year old bow, and was rocking a Dodge Neon on the dirt roads north of Tucson!


At least he asked.

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IMHO it does not matter what the Guy was wearing .... If he was heading out to Hunt versus sitting in a Truck waiting to try and get lucky to catch the Turkey making their way into a KNOWN roost, and he asked the OP their intent, I think it is hard to fault the guy ... One thing about the cheaper camo, is few people are worried about looking pretty and more willing to get them dirty....

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Actually I guess none of it really matters since no one did anything illegal. Public land means there is a high probability your hunt will get screwed up. Chances are the other guy thinks his plans got screwed up as well. Pretty much all of us get in the mode of "my spot" or "my deer" after doing a lot of work and getting excited. So I am not even sure it is a matter of respect especially in AZ where we have so many people from other states that hunt in very different ways. Getting pissed usually isn't worth it, I try and assume the person has a kid, or maybe there last hunt with an elderly person, and end up feeling better about them getting a shot and me refraining from anything I wold have regretted. Not getting high and mighty I have been down the road of some very un-proud moments with some extremely rude people. Got cured of that after realizing I scared the heck out of one of my kids and things cold easily have not gone my way.


Time to go I just broke the soap box... :rolleyes:

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Honestly, I will use my "soccer wagon" when the mood arises and I want to listen XM or I have to travel (31mpg) and do not need 4wd. Most of the time I do not use camo, I guess I am not a very good hunter. You were by the country club and you did not expect to see urban hunters.

I guess if 20 miles away as the navajo chicken flies is by the country club then yes. We werent sitting waiting to see them walking by we were waiting for it to be a little later as to not screw them up on the way. We were about to take off. I did think of the fact he may have a kid. I dont care what camo he owns just trying to paint a picture of a cheap dork. And for the record he was up there staying at his cabin. WTF? I shouldn't be supprised you guys dont see an issue with this.

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