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uint 23 youth report

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Hey guys, going up for my early bird tag on Thursday. Was just curious if anyone has come back down the hill from 23 with success stories to help fill the last long few days before my first spring tag.


Really excited about seeing the difference after years of fall turkey. looks like 60% rain for the opener though



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Other than wind, rain, snow and cold it was a great Junior Turkey camp in Unit 23. We only harvested 7 birds but they were talking and seemed to be henned up.

If I was hunting 23 I would spend my time in the middle of the Unit. The north lower country towards Payson was good but there seems to be lots of birds down near Young. That is the way it has been for a few years ever since the late snow storm that killed the birds in the high country.

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Wow, thanks! I was hoping for pictures and success stories, but that's even more information! We camp just below young and have seen a few birds in there. Scouting a little while back called in one hen about 20 ft from us. and later down the road had a gobbler come in about 20 yards. with the terrain, we weren't able to see him.


Spring bird is way different already. Were you part of the JR's turkey camp?

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