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Ernesto C

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I think it will prevent some accidental shootings....it will not prevent criminals from owning guns illegally!


Ernesto C

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I think it is a nobel idea but I bet someone would be able to hack it and put their own fingerprint on it so it would fire for them. I know when I had to check my daughters out of after school programs the fingerprint reader worked about 80% of the time. Decent gun safes keep firearms from being stolen, all my guns are in one of the three I have. Get rid of stupidity and you will drop "accidental" shootings.

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Interesting idea. I like the idea of educating your children at an early age. My kids won't even touch our pellet rifle without asking first. In fact, I have to ask them to come out and do target shooting with me. They won't pick one up and pretend to shoot or point at any living thing. I can trust that they will not touch any of my firearms. They know that if they ever want to handle one out of curiosity that I will always allow them with my supervision. In military situation I'm sure that our soldiers would want to be able to use another firearm in case theirs is lost or becomes disabled. I don't want my firearms to have any computerized parts. Keep it simple stupid. :)

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Nope. If I need a firearm to work it better work. I don't trust anything that can go as wrong as this technology could go.

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Cell phones & laptops have this type technology. How wos you share your firearm when out target shooting for example? Not excited about it but a smart kid

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First, let me say this kid is not the target of my irritation with this video as much as the misleading information he gives. I applaud his efforts in an attempt to limit accidental firearm injuries.


The statement in the video of "10,000 children are injured or killed in the US by firearms" is a scare tactic. While it is technically true, 7550 of them were intentional shootings by others (gang activity), and the "Children" are anyone under the age of 20.


Only 2150 were accidental shootings. Another 300 were attempted suicides.


This won't stop the 7550 deaths/injuries, or 300 suicide attempts. And it might only stop half of the accidental shootings. Education would go a LOT further in reducing these numbers.


I also hate the skewed information on gun statistics. If you pick and choose your information you provide, you can make anything sound legitimate and accurate.


Also, safe firearm handling would go a long way in reducing accidental firearm injuries/deaths. Look at the author's handling practices at 0:33, is the muzzle pointed downrange? Nope, pointed at the next station on the range.


All of the above I typed before I had watched the entire video. After watching the rest, I have more respect for the author and what he is attempting to do. I can admit when I am wrong about a subject, but I wanted to leave the above posted to not only share my opinion, but show how actually listening and understanding another side of an issue that might differ from our own can be a good thing. I still would never own one of these devices.


I think this could be a great application in homes with children who are not brought up and trained in the acceptable handling and use of firearms. A lot of adults do not take the time to educate their children about safe handling practices. And a lot of adults, in all reality, have no business handling firearms themselves, as they have never been taught/trained in safe handling practices. I guarantee my 12 year old daughter is safer with a firearm than 75% of adult gun owners. All of this is due to education, hands on training, and instilling safety first. Once someone sees what a firearm is capable of doing to a target, whether it be a can, bottle of water, or game animal, the healthy respect of a firearm's capability grows exponentially. Hide it from a kid, and curiosity and lack of respect can cause a tragedy.

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ISIS is gaining ground all over the world and idiots here in the USA are still trying to find a way to neuter our guns.

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