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Question for the taxidermists

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It would cost a lot of dignity and self respect. haha

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In case you didn't notice, you would be walking around with a SCARRY SNAKE on your boots!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLLL NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!



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C'mon taxidermists this ain't a joke. I'm serious. I will own a pair of these. Give me some quotes. Best one wins. We'll have to design something strong enough where the neck of the snake doesn't snap off. Maybe even a rattle off the back of the boot...

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You will then get detained when hunting in 36B......atleast you will be ready for fiesta's any time you where them hahah

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Just my 2 cents but you would have to coordinate with a bootmaker and a taxidermist!

Whatever it takes! Can they not take an existing snake skin boot and just blend the scales?

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I would make sure they know that they absolutely must be whiskey & beer proof!


You are obviously going to be drunk while wearing those bad boys...


If you find a maker we will need pics, lots of pics especially from the first night of break in.

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I love customs boots! With what you want all I see is dollar $$$$! And a year plus wait! Ya 4 plus digits!


Those boots look like they were made for an Maharaja from India Lol!


Now these are a pair of boots! Friend!



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