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Turkey Tactics (Glassing)

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What method do you typically use for turkey hunting in the afternoons? I understand that early morning trying to catch them coming off the roost and going to water or feeding is the best best. But during mid-day, does it pay to get high and glass like on a deer hunt, or would it be better to still hunt hitting tree lines at different meadows?

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That is what I did for the wife's Gould's hunt in NM and I have done it in unit 23 in years past.

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If You can glass that is great. Thats what I do if possible or mozey along with an ocasional yelp to see if i get a responce. I
f You do yelp hang tite for 15 -20 min. one might meander in silent. Keep alert. Ive always stayed out all day on turkey hunts. Its a long day ,but take a few naps against a tree by a meadow. Birds come in to the meadows silent all day. aGood part of fun is finding elk sheds once in a while too. Good luck to all this spring. Season is open Here in Dakota But it been all wind. Was out last nite ,for 2 hours before dark and only found a jake. I let them live, but thats just Me. I want the smart longbeard , usually more of a challenge. One last thing about staying out all day Me and buddies have killed birds all hours of the day..................BOB!

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I walk in areas where I know turkeys like to be from experience and use my binos to glass out in front of me. I've had very good luck finding turkeys this way. There is no way to get high and glass where I hunt turkeys so I go low (under the trees) and glass.

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Turkey like meadows over thicker forest on windy days because it is harder for them to hear in the wind so I glass meadows on windy days.

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