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I hate Mosquitos

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I couldn't believe it - doing some things online - I get bit not once but twice in less than a minute sitting at computer in spare room . just minutes ago




It's way to early in the yr. we've had no rain


I was like no way


it sucks when you have to put on lotion in the house .


Any home remedies to get rid of these pests or stop the itch



I thought I saw the culprit but this thing was faster than a fly and teennie tiny

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I have already killed two centipedes and on scorpion in my house this year. Waiting for the mosquitos.

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I couldn't believe it - doing some things online - I get bit not once but twice in less than a minute sitting at computer in spare room . just minutes ago




It's way to early in the yr. we've had no rain


I was like no way


it sucks when you have to put on lotion in the house .


Any home remedies to get rid of these pests or stop the itch



I thought I saw the culprit but this thing was faster than a fly and teennie tiny


Same at my house! I usually only get bit at my house after the monsoons....this year there have been several of those pesky guys driving me nuts!

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Mild winter and good rains got the bugs going early.


I'm just glad that we don't have Malaria here. Nothing worse than a Skeeter that can kill you.

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We do have West Nile though. I was up on the Rim fishing two weeks ago and by about 9AM they were hatching out and swarming.

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Talk to 5guyshunting on here. He and some friends used some electric replant device for hunting and said it works wonderful.

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Yep pretty bad this year, we got skeeters and those dang crane fly's everywhere.


When we bowfish I use the thermacell units and they work very well. Going to have to try some peppermint oil.

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Yep pretty bad this year, we got skeeters and those dang crane fly's everywhere.


When we bowfish I use the thermacell units and they work very well. Going to have to try some peppermint oil.

Thermacells..thats it..Couldnt think of the name

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Skeeters are the worst. Worst night I ever had was in Beliz hotel room infested with them- no sleeping while being eaten alive. Gotta prevent them from getting in house- good screened windows and doors. Definitely head nets and thermacell in the blind.

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