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Dog days of summer

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Well since the lizards are out my 4yo Brittany is in hog heaven! For some reason he loves pointing lizards. I swear sometimes he'll be more steady on lizards than quail!


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My Brittany does the same thing. Makes me wonder how long he has been on point when I walk outside. He holds the lizards on point until my Springer notices him and then he jumps and tries to snatch them off the fence. Teamwork at its best. David

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My britt does the same thing with lizards. The other day a cat was walking on the back wall and Hic and the cat had a staring contest for what seemed like 5 min. Hic won when the cat finally took off.

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I guess its good to keep them busy in the off season! Cheaper than shooter pigeons too!

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I had a Springer Chow mix that would go full speed into the walls after them dang thinks. Don't know how He didn't break his Muzzle. Weird mix of breeds but great dog. Lived to be 18..............BOB!

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Them lizards hare hard on the digestive track for my Britts but they sure seem to like lizards more than birds! I hope we never have a Gila Monster!

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