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I am waiting to see how this goes? I too have footage and photos of individuals doing wrong. In my case I broke the rules to get info, I found inside wilderness area a set up that's been used many times in the past, a blind and camera which neither are allowed in the wilderness. The blind was store bought and then lots of live timber was used to blend it in! In this case I went in to scout and found the wilderness fence cut and tire marks going 2 miles in to a tank. I had thought for a minute about taking care of the items myself but decided against that course. I came back weeks later and placed a cam very hidden and got some interesting evidence, ounce again grandpa(responsible adult) brings in kid with chainsaws and a ranger to do who knows what. 5 feet from my cam and they never saw it but I have faces and plates. This set up was left 6 weeks ahead of elk opener. It was really sad to see this inside the wilderness fence area. When I went back before elk opener and grabbed my cam the fence was fixed but cut in a new spot. I guess thats the middle finger to forest service guys. If it turns out they decide to do something in this case I will be submitting my evidence as well. I may have some trouble myself for using my cam but I think it will be worth it.

So if you were working hard to stay away from other hunters and hiking into wilderness areas because you knew the rules were tighter and you wouldnt have to deal with idiots and others hunting gear left unattended and you continued to find items like tree stands, cameras, blinds, tents, what would you do? I am thinking gps locations handed to forest service guys? Should I start a buisiness collecting said items for the government? I don't mess with peoples stuff even inside wilderness but it really bugs me.

Cant wait to see what happens. Hopefully they will follow these people out next time and nail them with first hand info.

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G&F and even Forest Service officials are spread to thin it seems. In all my years in the field I have only made contact three times with any kind of LE in the forest. Once they pulled up in camp, once I stopped them in the road and the third time they rode up on horses and threatened to shoot our dog. Other than that they are almost ghosts and never are at the right place at the right time. I have found tire tracks in the wilderness as well and it would take alot of willpower to not confront such idiots. Btw another housing boom is kicking off around these parts and get ready for more idiots to move in.

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I'm sure we all hope they get caught but truth is they probably never will.I understand g&f being spread thin and manpower issues but with clear cut evidence one would expect results. I know I have personally caught someone baiting and posted and reported it with descriptions of vehicle and person along with location and I can and have been there recently and found the stand and a fresh bait pile months before season and nothing has been done.

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It seems like the only way they get in trouble, is if they are caught in the act.

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It seems like the only way they get in trouble, is if they are caught in the act.

Ya think?

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You know what they say, what comes around goes around. Between the Wardens and blind luck these folks are about to have a bad day.

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Disrespectful, selfish idiots. No shortage of them these days. Many people need to get their fat, lazy asses off their ATVs and UTVs and walk a little. They are great tools and lots of fun when used properly and respectfully but they also enable a lot of people.

Hope law enforcement can score a win on this one.

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