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Our thieves up date

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Many of you commented on our whole bind situation being stolen. Which i take full responsibility for because it left it out. The issue we took offense to is the blatant destroying of the forest. I was going to let it go and let an idiot be and idiot. After seeing this ying yang post his ebay ad with his quad off road yet again, and seeing his tire tracks over a mile from the nearest road and tons of other areas he had just took and blazed his own trial i had to do something. I pulled cameras monday and saw he had done it again to the same camera, and then the animals which are recovering from the hunts and antlers dropping didn't show up for another 7 days. We had animals come in everyday, after he blazed through yet again and gave a wave to the camera my blood started boiling. So instead of waiting for him and confronting him and doing something stupid i decided to contact our Warden in our unit. I explained the whole situation and he told me to send him the pics and GPS cords to my camera, as he wanted to document the damage this idiot has done. So if anyone sees this guy around herber or unit 3a 3c or 23 i would let the wardens know. His name is Kenny Stewart and His wife is Yolanda and the kid is Leland. Hopefully in due time he will get what he deserves, legally





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Wow, surprising a thief who drives illegally off road A MILE DEEP no less, would come back to wave at your camera. Can't fix stupid, and this guy could care less about a lot of things I would guess. I hope he gets cited and prosecuted for theft. That's some in your face BS right there. I'd be pretty hot as well.

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Hope he gets the book thrown at him. As stated before blind issue has mixed reviews but what they are doing to all of our public land is complete bs. Waving like he is doing something right, lol.

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What a lump of a man. I hate thieves and lazy people. Hope he rides into a barbed wire fence or something.

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What an idiot. It'll be hard to catch him, but man we can only hope.

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No it won't his name address and quad with plate in an area that has damage.

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Proof. Warden is doing a habit destruction investigation. They are getting the case together with pics to document. Evidence wins battles

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I hope they nail him good. But in reality he will get a fine pay it off and just keep doing what he is doing.

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I highly doubt he would pay it. Hopefully they nail him to the wall. Then hope he gets a warrant. Also anyone who reads this know he is doing this from 23 to 3a 3c to Heber and beyond. And contact a warden if you see him doing it

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I hope they do it right and not only build a case with what the OP has , but actually taking the time to catch him in the act ... I would then like to see him get the book thrown at him and to become the poster child for why breaking the laws does not pay in the long run , only COSTS ...

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If they revoke his hunting and fishing privileges for 5 years it should include no shed hunting too. In due time his quad will get the best of him....... :unsure:

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idiots like that are going to get restrictions put on the rest of us that follow rules and he will keep on keeping on...

I hope his quad breaks down WAAAYYY back in there!

they should confiscate all the sheds/deadheads they find in his possession....



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We have patterned him in our unit. He comes in about every two weeks. He is due this sat. So rather than stoop to his level and do something that could hurt myself or family I'll let the OP take care of it.

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