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Poor Cubs fans

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The new Season has just started on espn and the cubs are down 1-0 in the first 5 minutes of the game.Some of the dumb skeptics are picking them this year. I just laughed to my Son ,the cubs will be in last place problly tonite before the rest of the teams even play a game. I could not imagine growing up a Cub fan.............BOB!

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Dang it Bob, don't jinx them already. At least wait till the 5th inning.



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Lifelong Cubs fan here! Win or lose I'll still be here for em'!

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Since Harry passed I wasn't a aware the cubs had any fans?

Stone him!


Haha :)

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Baseball.....fell off the edge of the world last year with the Dbacks....have not recovered yet.......haven't even looked at a roster yet to see if I recognize any players.


As for Cubs fans..........ugh....they pack it in better than the home town Dbacks do.......

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Never got the whole professional sports thing, baseball, basketball, football, hockey etc. In HS coaches would ride my case because I wouldn't signup for football as their QB or kicker.

Living two miles from the coast I'd much rather go fishing everyday after school.

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I use to love when the Cubs came to visit so I could poke fun at Sammy SO-SO .... now days he is retired and a much paler version of his former self...

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