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You should drive to Heber and punch him in the face, If I knew someone stole my shoot I wouldn't be asking anyone to take care of something I would do.

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How far he drive off the rd to jack your blind?

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Doesn't the national forest consider it littering if a blind/tent is left out for a period of time either 14 or 21 days. It does suck I've had 2 cameras stolen over the years and now I live by a rule which is don't leave anything of any value in the forest. If it has value someone is going to take it thinking its abandoned or just being a jerk either way it wont be there when you come back.

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Doesn't the national forest consider it littering if a blind/tent is left out for a period of time either 14 or 21 days. It does suck I've had 2 cameras stolen over the years and now I live by a rule which is don't leave anything of any value in the forest. If it has value someone is going to take it thinking its abandoned or just being a jerk either way it wont be there when you come back.

Like i said before it was my fault about the blind i don't give a crap about it. My issue just like 99.9% of us on here is people like this douche bag give us all a bad name. My wife is an avid shed hunter and she has seen his tracks after seeing him out two miles off a road. He is making his own trails where ever he feels and we have seen evidence that he is pushing these animals around from their winter grounds. And where my camera is, is no where near a road. This guy is doing this not only in our unit but in 3A/3C. I have already turned him over, he will be dealt with accordingly

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I still think the weather conditions this year played a large role in the migratory patterns of the elk which will reduce the amount of sheds people find in their stomping grounds. I doubt it's 100% the "douche bags" on quads that are causing low counts from people. I mean this law is pretty new in some areas like in unit 9 and friends of mine who will faithfully go to 9 every year are having a hard time this year. These guys would kill it up there in the late 90s and early 2000s and now find maybe 5 or 6 browns over a few days. I also think that this is becoming a bigger hobby each year and there are less and less guys like me who only shed hunt mid day during turkey season. Plus people see this as an "easy" way to make money so you have more boots on the ground. However I do understand how it feels to see quads in places they don't belong it happens to my dog and I every time we hunt gambles. We will see guys running pointers while driving their UTVs up washes so no we just hunt deep in or wait for mearns.

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Fifteen years ago I had a few places I could find as many as 20 sheds in a day. Not any more unfortunately. And it is not because of four wheelers because they can't navigate where I used to go. The difference in unit #27 is half the elk population compared to long ago. Also the elk behaviors have changed since the Wallow Fire. But I do encounter some of the frustrating 4 wheeler traffic in places that were formerly foot travel only.... so I sympathize with what you folks are saying. Many changes in the last 15 years.

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