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Cameras for elk

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Does anyone used cameras for rifle Elk? CC was hit so of course the brain has engaged.




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Coverts are the best imho

The Coverts are top notch, only problem is when one gets stolen you feel like you someone just kidnapped your child. Not cheap, but you get what you pay for.

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Heck ya! Any bull tag deserves a cuple camras out just to kinda servey the area and know what caliber bulls are where and when, it is also a BIG difference between a early rifle hunt and a late rifle hunt. But don't let a Camra being out replace boots on the ground and eyes behind glass during as many scouting trips as you can make! Keep us posted! (I like the stealth cams that run right around 100)

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I have 5 cameras. 3 still shot and 2 video. Think I'll put them out once I know what area. Along with boots on the ground and glassing.



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Haven't been drawn in a while but card was hit. I will be dusting off the cameras. This spot was promising but no bulls come the late rifle season.


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I have a bunch of cheap compact ones that use AA batteries. You can buy bundles or bulk on ebay, and I've had good luck with all of them. The key is just make sure you are buying newer model/recently made cams within the last couple years. Even the lower end companies have improved their cams alot in recent years.

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I've got 2 coverts to sell with lock boxes...... Just need to pull them out and post!


They are assassin II and sweet.

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Yes let me know I have a bunch of spypoint Minis you can you use they have full lock boxes and chains. Good cameras let me know. Wouldn't mind you using them for the season

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These days I just buy used ones off ebay. Mostly Stealth and Wildgame Innovations. They work and if they get stolen (they will) its not a big hit.

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I buy used/new cheap $40-$60 cameras off ebay, that way nobody really wants to steal those, plus they work just fine.... I like the wildgame innovations micro sized ones the best.

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Buckeye Cams are the way to go...the amount of time and gas you save will pay for them in the long run...

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