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Getting Back In SHAPE after hunting season.

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So now that the hunting season is completed its time for me to get back in shape, I know your all thinking, what you should be in shape with all the hunting you've been doing. Well as you all know Coues deer hunting requires hours of sitting and glassing , and be assured that's all i did from October to the end of January. When we are on our ranches and In hunting camps its very hard to eat clean and to watch the fat and carbohydrate intake. Its nearly impossible to lift weights, and by the time we are done entertaining clients were exhausted. So with that said i'm out of shape.


I am starting the same program I have been using for the past few years, its a well balanced program that not only will help you to loose fat but also to put on muscle mass.

I will be destroying muscle fibers and swimming in Lactic acids 5 days a week.

I will be conducting 40 min of cardio per day, 7 days a week, separated into two sessions.

My nutrition will be spot on, to include only lean meats, complex carbs and healthy fats. I will eat 6 times per day. "will consume gummy bears after work out to spike insulin levels.

90% of my meals will be pre made for the following day, this will keep me from cheating.

I will supplement my body with the following , Whey protein, Casein Protein, BCAA'S, Green tea, Pre Workout, Men's vitamin.




22% bf



My training started Monday and this is what I completed


20 min walking at 3.5 mph at a 2.5% grade


MARCH 23, 2015


Leg Press






28-450# to Failure

14-520# to failure

17-540# to failure


Lying Leg curls

13-80# to Failure

13-80# to Failure

10-80# to Failure




13-225# to failure

10-225# to failure


Leg Extensions






Training Notes: Legs are wasted, Need to start with higher weights on the leg press, Will do Squats First on Next Leg Day. GOING TO THROW UP. Consumed 1/2 bag of gummy bears and 60 grams of whey protein isolate



March 24,2015


20 min walking at 3.5 mph at a 2.5% grade


Flat Dumbbell Press




18-70# to failure

8-80# to failure

8-80# to failure


Incline flys

16-40# to failure

15-40# to failure


Machine Press

17-135# to failure

10-165# to failure


Rope Extensions

14-90# to failure

9-110# to failure

9-110# to failure


Seated Overhead Triceps Machine Extensions

15-70# to failure

14-70# to failure

12-70# to failure


Triceps press dowm

5-150# to failure

6-150# to failure

5-150# to failure


20 min walking at 3.5 mph at a 2.5% grade


Training Notes: on track, weight ranges were good , start higher on dumbbell press,Consumed 1/2 bag of gummy bears and 60 grams of whey protein isolate. LEGS ARE WRECKED

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Good work!


You are a beast on leg day.

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