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I Love Watching Drunk People

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....no fun when alcoholism is in your family and it screws you over.

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I am not sure if this post suppose to be taken as serious as it has been however it sure did make me laugh.

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Not supposed to be taken seriously, even though alcoholism is a serious matter.


I just laughed a ton watching the video. And others like it.

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No fun when you are the alcoholic screwing your family over. Been sober for nearly 35 years.

Creed, that is great that you have been sober that long! Keep it up and God Bless

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It is a funny video but when you are the drunk and realize the things you have done the next day it is not so funny. Sorry for putting a serious note on an otherwise funny video. I did have to LOL.

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go to you tube and watch the( drunkest man in the world)video.it made me wonder how he got to the store.

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Being drunk is fun occasionally in the right setting. Being that drunk like that, not so much. I get drunk maybe once a year anymore but when I do it is fun.you are a cheap date too if you don't drink often.


My dad had a drinking problem so it has never been my cup of tea to drink much, but it can still be enjoyable in the right setting

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Like Hoss said, knocking a few back at the ballgame or with some buddies after work is all good, stumbling around like a fool is no fun! Been there done that plenty in my past. The scary thing is people like that get in the car and drive.


What I really want to know is did he piss his pants?

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