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Such a shame what shed hunting as come to

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I don't know if it's just me, but in the last couple years things have been getting bad. I went out the last couple days and people are driving all over tearing the forest up no where close to roads. People cutting forest service locked gates so that they can get into areas and tear up the forest by driving all over the place. It's super disappointing to see the sport so far from what it should be. Greedy people that can't follow the laws and let everyone enjoy the sport. I'm disgusted by these choice people's actions. I wish sheds weren't worth money.


Just needed to let out a quick vent.

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I agree 100%! Saw the same thing where I was too. Such a shame. People need to get off the quads and try walking a few miles in their boots.

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The wife and I have been in unit 8 and we must be lucky that we have not seen that.but then again we have not found any sheds yet so we are probably in a area that is not very popular for having sheds. So until I find a shed I will call what we are doing is just exersicing .sure is fun just being out taking in the woods. Where are you looking ,what unit?

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Where I'm seeing all this is 6a. Just sucks that people don't care enough to respect the law. I just enjoy my time In the woods as well.

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125coues I plan on hitting 8 the middle of this week. Hope I dont run into any guys like this. where were you concentrating your efforts if you dont mind?(already have a couple spots we are going to hike down into) I'm gunna have my 5 year old nephew with me. Gunna be his first camp/shed hunt. He's is beyond excited. Sad to hear these horrible horn hunter stories. Good luck to those going out and doing it right!

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I'll be up there next weekend. Who do we call to report people if they are off the trails? Azgfd is closed on the weekends. Anyone have the Wardens name or number in 22N?

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Norento, I would think if you called the forest service station closest to where you are they may send an Leo out. Not positive but just a guess

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It's all about the money, I have almost given up shed hunting altogether, I like to shed hunt even more then hunting but it has gotten so bad I work with 3 guys

that always want to know how many I have found, one has even followed me. When they find some sheds it is never enough for them the greed has taken over.

They don't do it for the love of it they do it for the greenbacks.


As to the Leo coming out good luck with that, tried it before there isn't very many of them so they could be 100 miles away I took a short 6 hour walk on Saturday, there were 2 trucks back in off a closed road they tore it up with there ruts.


How many elk and deer are still packing? But yet people have been out looking since January, Really I don't care what size I find they all get my blood pumping.

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Just headed home from unit 8. The Bulls I did see (rag horns) were still packin, I didn't find any sheds, but I did see a mature 4 point muley with a dozen does which was interesting. Obviously still packing as well. I'll be back next weekend

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My prediction the Bulls start dropping this week and I'll be right there to pick them up come Thursday. 😃

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All this foolishness, off roading, tearing up the forest, is going to get the shed hunting banned! History says it will. A few will ruin it for everyone.

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I don't know if it's just me, but in the last couple years things have been getting bad. I went out the last couple days and people are driving all over tearing the forest up no where close to roads. People cutting forest service locked gates so that they can get into areas and tear up the forest by driving all over the place. It's super disappointing to see the sport so far from what it should be. Greedy people that can't follow the laws and let everyone enjoy the sport. I'm disgusted by these choice people's actions. I wish sheds weren't worth money.


Just needed to let out a quick vent.

I blame Instagram

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