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Luck of the Irish

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Was able to get out for the first time this season yesterday. Can't believe the number of troops that have been pounding the woods for weeks. Boot tracks everywhere! Was able to pick this one up 4 feet from fresh boot tracks. Not sure how it was possible for them to have missed it but was happy to have found it myself. Saw a good number of big Bulls still packing their horns. Bumped into a couple of guys hat had been out since Tuesday and had only been able to pick up 2 sets between the. Pretty sure most of the horns in this area are sti walking around. Nonetheless it was a great day to be out and key in on a few spots to keep going back to. post-12676-0-70221500-1426446100_thumb.jpg

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You answered your own question. They are still dropping so the boot tracks probably pre-date the dropped shed.

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You answered your own question. They are still dropping so the boot tracks probably pre-date the dropped shed.

No one set predates easily the other set 4 feet away was way after the storm and after the elk had shed. The elks tracks were 6 inches deep in mud when he left them. The boot track was crisp in the dust. Just goes to show if your looking left and the shed is on the right your gonna miss it.

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You answered your own question. They are still dropping so the boot tracks probably pre-date the dropped shed.

No one set predates easily the other set 4 feet away was way after the storm and after the elk had shed. The elks tracks were 6 inches deep in mud when he left them. The boot track was crisp in the dust. Just goes to show if your looking left and the shed is on the right your gonna miss it.



My 7 year spotted one on the edge of the road from the back seat I just looked out my side and she screamed "antler!" It was awesome my wife in front seat on same side was going to miss it to.

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