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We're about to lose The Strip

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This is too important to be lost in the Political forum.


Re: Grand Canyon Watershed Monument


Rather than argue ethics and trail cams and salt licks, I encourage everyone to email against this designation. The same passion you guys have on those ethics threads need to be redirected in this extremely important issue. Please email your concerns to: Molly.Brown@mail.House.gov


Below is a response from Don Martin who attended a recent meeting:


Well this is just MY take on the meeting.


About 10 or so spoke against it, including Tom Britt, representing the RMEF, Supervisor Gary Watson, from the Mohave County Board of Supervisors, Tom Mackin from the Coconino Sportsmen, Alvie Johnson, the mayor of Fredonia, the mayor of Tusayan, who I did not get his name, Pat Madden from the AZ G&F Dept.,Jim Unmacht president of the AZSFWC, myself representing the Mohave Sportsman Club, and a couple of cattlemen. (sorry of I missed any others.)


At least double spoke out for it, including the Sierra Club, Center For Biological Diversity, Grand Canyon Wildlands Council and a number of members from the various tribes.


The main theme I heard was URANIUM MINING, and disrupted travel corridors for wildlife...which I sure didn't know about...guess G&F doesn't either...hmm


Congresswoman Kirkpatrick, if you can believe this, said "This was just the beginning, nothing has been done and that public input was wanted."


Then at least THREE members of the enviromental community who spoke promptly THANKED HER FOR WRITING THE LETTER TO OBAMA!


So what do you think?


Wouldn't a legislator who doesn't have an agenda hold stakeholder meetings BEFORE they send off a letter asking for any kind of designation, NOT AFTER THEY HAD ALREADY SENT A LETTER?


Yea, kinda like closing the barn door AFTER the cows have left!


Nope, this was a well orchestrated "Dog and Pony" show.


The good news is Kirkpatrick said they would continue to accept comments, so let's flood Ms. Molly Brown's email at Molly.Brown@mail.House.gov and let them know how YOU, the American sportsmen and conservationist, feel about this business.


Interesting "fact" was that Congresswoman Kirkpatrick said that they had received about 1,300 comments on this so far and that 92% were in FAVOR of the monument designation.


Hmm, since no one in the conservation community had heard about this until late February, how could sportsmen respond since we didn't KNOW about it?


The fight is on folks, and if each and every of you out there doesn't send Ms. Molly an email, then we will probably loose this battle, and some of the most coveted and well protected lands in Arizona are done.


As Jim Unmacht has so aptly put it, "This is just a solution looking for a problem!"


By the way I think Jim said said they had about 22 conservation groups that had signed on to the AZSFWC resolution opposing the monument designation.


Let everyone in your email group know Molly's email and let her have it! I told her that she was now going to hear from sportsmen on this.


Don Martin

Life Member

Mohave Sportsman Club

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Just sent my rep an email. Thanks for the heds up. After a google search it looks like anothe progressive wet dream. Im really starting to hate them.

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Guest wdenike

Shame stuff like this has to be dribbled all over the site like meadow muffins. For lack of give a chit.








Take care, Willie

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I understand the apathy. Hunters/outdoorsmen and women are famous for their lack luster response. It's just a National Monument....we can still hunt. It doesn't effect me. No big deal.


What many people are unaware of, is that many National Parks today were all designated as National Monuments first! That's right. A few examples:


Grand Canyon


Grand Teton





All these National Parks began as monuments. The precedence is there to convert The Strip and the Kaibab into a National Park.


When was the last time you hunted in a National Park?


Sobering, huh?

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I am new to this topic and will need to do some more research, but for those who know... it might be helpful to those just learning about this to post the key points of opposition to help better form a letter to our local politicians.


Forlorn thanks for pointing those points out as well.

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I agree with you, Forlorn Hope.



Southernxpress, There's lots of information posted about the monument under the arizona and mule deer sections on monstermuleys.com.

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This is an important topic, but I think we are better off keeping all the info in one place. Right now we have several threads going on in the political forum. Let's keep the discussion there so people know where to go for info. And let's try and narrow it down to one thread. so all the info can be in one place.

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Thanks for the info Forlorn Hope....I reposted it in a thread I created to consolidate all the info about the monument. I think it will make it easier for people to find info if we have one main thread about this.


that thread is here: http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/56377-grand-canyon-national-monument-proposal-main-thread-information-and-actions-you-can-take/


I will close this one so that we can get people all posting in one thread.

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