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Grand Canyon Watershed National Monument

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We're about to lose The Strip.


Rather than argue ethics and trail cams and salt licks, I encourage everyone to email against this designation. The same passion you guys have on those ethics threads need to be redirected in this extremely important issue. Please email your concerns to: Molly.Brown@mail.House.gov

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Guest wdenike

Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma, Great Grandpa. What did you do when the country was going to heck in a hand basket?? Why son ( or Dear ). I was an ACTIVIST for what do with HELP WITH THE NEIGHBORS DOG, AN EXTREME ACTIVIST about cramming my ethical hunting beliefs down others throats, and lastly a RADICAL ACTIVIST to see to it as many as possible be eliminated from the draw. So I have a better chance for MEEEEEE!!!!! ROFLMAO









Take care, Willie

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fyi, I am consolidating all the Monument info into a main thread so it's easier for everyone to find relevant info.


that thread is here: http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/56377-grand-canyon-national-monument-proposal-main-thread-information-and-actions-you-can-take/


I will close this one so that we can get people all posting in one thread.

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