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Flagstaff Rant of the day.

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wyguy, if you understand that logging is a good thing, then what are you complaining about? you didn't get to go to specific place one time? go somewhere else. as far as damage, they hafta clean it up. you can't "damage" dirt. smooth it out, it'll be fine. i'll bet the road you drove there on was originally built by loggers. but because you were inconvenienced one time, it's a national travesty? maybe it was closed because they are logging close to the road and they didn't want you to get a 36 inch ponderosa across your cab? i had to detour around a buncha road construction to get to the airport in chicago the other day. i guess they better clean it up before i fly out again so i can just scoot right on into the city without any problems. quit gripin' about folks that make their living from the land. go spend a week bumpin' knots or setting chokers and see what these guys do to earn their way and then see if you wanna gripe about it. just because somebody does something that inconveniences you doesn't mean it is a bad thing or dare i say it, unethical. Lark.

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I can understand to a point what wyguy is saying. IF, and only IF they don't repair the roads then you have a legitimate gripe. Make your phone call then, go protest, march or do what you think is right to have them held accountable. Like I said in my earlier post. They should be fined and pay the bill for having it restored. They have a job to do. If you have been on the forest road that goes by Woods Canyon lake to Bear Canyon lake and see the loggers driving this road, you would know why they may close it or any others. They haul one of the worst loads possible in some of the most unpredictable places on roads that are slippery, wet, dusty. I wouldn't want to be around them in those types of circumstances. You did however state that your itsy, bitsy ford ranger would cause minimal damage. I repeat, DAMAGE IS DAMAGE. Are you going to go back and fix it?

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Really you think they rehab the roads when they are done, where the heck do you live do you live? Not around Flagstaff, the Feds have given the loggers and ranchers different rules and laws It's still ok for them to make new roads and drive on all the new road closures like nothing has ever changed. You should see how bad they tear up the woods.

If you have witnessed this seldom, remember, The pen is mightier than the sword. Report it together with wyguy. Knowledge is power and ther's power in numbers. United we stand. I know of a case when i was working for Sitgreaves in heber where a group of homeowners made them fix the road. It CAN and does happen.

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