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Flagstaff Rant of the day.

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Random Thought of the Day.. I was driving the other day with a friend scouting for where the big boys were dropping their antlers and we came to where the roads were closed because of the winter. So we got out and hiked a little bit up the road and saw a bunch of logging trucks off to the side of the road and on the two tracker road was ruts all over the road. It was literally destroyed. Tell me again why we as civilians cant go in there? Like my little Ford Ranger is going to do more damage than those Logging trucks did? Please someone correct me if I am wrong...

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Probably because the logging crew has the equipment and the contract that says they will rehab the road when they are through. Civilians just leave it

for someone else to repair.

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Really you think they rehab the roads when they are done, where the heck do you live do you live? Not around Flagstaff, the Feds have given the loggers and ranchers different rules and laws It's still ok for them to make new roads and drive on all the new road closures like nothing has ever changed. You should see how bad they tear up the woods.

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Really you think they rehab the roads when they are done, where the heck do you live do you live? Not around Flagstaff, the Feds have given the loggers and ranchers different rules and laws It's still ok for them to make new roads and drive on all the new road closures like nothing has ever changed. You should see how bad they tear up the woods.

I agree. Woodcutters in 5BN have opened up a lot of formerly pristine areas. Sickening.

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In all reality im more or less just pissed that they close the roads to us yet these logging trucks that are doing more damage than my lil Ranger ever dreamed of doing are let in.... and they dont fix the roads after. Then when I try going in and driving the roads when they are open I cant even drive it because my truck is bouncing like im driving on a friggin bounce house from all those nasty ruts... I wish I took pictures with my iPod while I was out there... send it in to some G & F agency. Ask them what the heck is the deal.

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Logging has been around alot longer than any of us, and Flagstaff wouldn't exist if it wasn't for logging!

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go build your house outta mud and quite being a hypocrite. every logging contract has provisions to return things to gov't standards. fix or remove the roads. reseed. etc. it's more than likely a gov't thinning program, trying to avoid another wallow fire. Lark.

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go build your house outta mud and quite being a hypocrite. every logging contract has provisions to return things to gov't standards. fix or remove the roads. reseed. etc. it's more than likely a gov't thinning program, trying to avoid another wallow fire. Lark.

There is the problem. Government standards. They have none anymore.

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Some things to consider Wyguy.....you probably saved yourself a phone call to your dad or some other buddy who would have had to come pull you out :blink:

Remember what field of interest you have and what you are going to do to change the way government works.

That is probably how your brake line got busted......funny guy driving on rutted roads.......and hikin is better for you anyways.

Good luck looking for antler, don't let the worlds problems drag your day down!!!

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I heard they close the roads so people don't get stuck and die not so they don't ruin the roads but I could be wrong???

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Logging has been around alot longer than any of us, and Flagstaff wouldn't exist if it wasn't for logging!

Not even what I am trying to argue... No duh. Im saying why is it okay for these huge logging trucks to go in and destroy the roads but its not okay for me to go out in my little Ford Ranger and drive them? My little truck isnt going to do near as much damage as these trucks have.

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I worked for the forest service many years ago in the Heber area. They close the roads and more are closing everyday for simple reasons. IDIOTS that dont obey the rules of going outdoors. Driving on closed roads that are posted, littering, weather conditions, poaching, shooting signs, cutting locks, breaking down fences, starting fires when posted not to, game management, hazards to humans, etc...etc..etc. We have caused, meaning people not being responible and ehtical when outdoors, have created these problems over the years. Loggers are doing a service at times. Thinning areas that could be a fire hazard, suppying needed wood for the industry and so on. They should be held accountable tho if they do dammage to the area. If they don't restore it then they should be fined and a sub-contractor hired to fix it with the bill sent to the person who did the damage. Our rights as americans are being stripped away at an alarming rate because of these things. Next time you go into the outdoors, take a look at the damage, however small it may be, and think to yourself, Wonder who and why they did this. It may have been you at some time.

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Logging has been around alot longer than any of us, and Flagstaff wouldn't exist if it wasn't for logging!

Not even what I am trying to argue... No duh. Im saying why is it okay for these huge logging trucks to go in and destroy the roads but its not okay for me to go out in my little Ford Ranger and drive them? My little truck isnt going to do near as much damage as these trucks have.


DAMAGE IS DAMAGE..no matter how small

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I worked for the forest service many years ago in the Heber area. They close the roads and more are closing everyday for simple reasons. IDIOTS that dont obey the rules of going outdoors. Driving on closed roads that are posted, littering, weather conditions, poaching, shooting signs, cutting locks, breaking down fences, starting fires when posted not to, game management, hazards to humans, etc...etc..etc. We have caused, meaning people not being responible and ehtical when outdoors, have created these problems over the years. Loggers are doing a service at times. Thinning areas that could be a fire hazard, suppying needed wood for the industry and so on. They should be held accountable tho if they do dammage to the area. If they don't restore it then they should be fined and a sub-contractor hired to fix it with the bill sent to the person who did the damage. Our rights as americans are being stripped away at an alarming rate because of these things. Next time you go into the outdoors, take a look at the damage, however small it may be, and think to yourself, Wonder who and why they did this. It may have been you at some time.

Yes I understand Logging is good. Dont get me wrong. I am taking classes right now to go into wildlife management, I understand the benefits of logging, thinning forests. This thread truly makes me wish I had taken pictures of the damage these trucks are doing so people truly understand where I am coming from.

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