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Already pushing more gun control. I'll bet they are disappointed in their polling efforts though. 50%+ think MORE GUN RIGHTS are the way to go, even after the Va Tech ordeal.




where do you get your %50+??? If you look at the report is says that 47% dems think that gun laws won't change and 46% rep think that gun laws won't change...


remember the Foxnews poll about gun control... it was 80% in favor of tighter controls..


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I didn't get that number out of that article either. It appears that the majority of people from this one particular poll feel that stricter gun control would not have helped in the VA Tech massacre. I think that the majority of people feel this way. Polls are always interesting to look at too, but you hardly ever know who was polled, what city, specific questioning etc. Polls from the media can be pretty decieving.


It also makes reference to having more people owning guns. I don't necessarily think that if there are more guns being put into civilian hands, things would be getting any better either. It's a person's own right to decide whether or not they own a gun. We don't need to force it down any ones throat. It just all comes back to "Guns don't kill People..People kill People."


So how do we determine who can and cannot own a gun? This is where it's going to get pretty messy in legislation. I think at that time, you will see some pretty slick bill writing starting to take place. It's not an easy process to determine who should be allowed to own a gun. I can tell you right now, that IMO I don't think nutcases like "Cho" should be allowed to purchase a weapon. But, how can we legitimately determine who should be able to have the right to purchase a gun? What would the stipulations be? You know somewhere along the way some law abiding citizen is going to be denied the right to purchase a weapon because of some mistake he/she made, or for going to a counselor for depression many years prior. That will start to infringe on a persons right to own a gun. I don't know how it will all go down but I sure I hope we are all informed and have a say in what happens.

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I was not referring to the article, I was referring to the poll on the left hand side of the page. 56% of the people said they preferred MORE gun rights, not less.

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Already pushing more gun control. I'll bet they are disappointed in their polling efforts though. 50%+ think MORE GUN RIGHTS are the way to go, even after the Va Tech ordeal.




where do you get your %50+??? If you look at the report is says that 47% dems think that gun laws won't change and 46% rep think that gun laws won't change...


remember the Foxnews poll about gun control... it was 80% in favor of tighter controls..




I thought the Fox poll was just the opposit. I thought I saw that 80% polled said NO that stricter gun control was not the answer. Maybe I saw it wrong. I hope not . I was all excited to finally see a poll go our way. Maybe I was wrong.

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I was not referring to the article, I was referring to the poll on the left hand side of the page. 56% of the people said they preferred MORE gun rights, not less.


Oh I see it... but I am sure the margin of error is well about 6%..... I would say it is a wash.... But personally I don't think people like Cho should be able to legitimately purchase guns... That is just my opinion...


Like cochranj said... it is a tough call as to who can have guns....


about the fox poll.. I am pretty sure it was anti-gun because there was a buzz about it... the buzz is that foxnews is pretty right wing so everybody was surprised....



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Here is the REALfox news gun control poll story.


The general summary is as follows:

NEW YORK — Americans say tougher gun laws would not be able to stop things like the Virginia Tech shooting because people who commit these kinds of acts will always find guns.


The latest FOX News poll finds that about one of five Americans (19 percent) believes tougher gun laws can help stop shootings like the one at Virginia Tech, while a 71 percent majority disagrees.


Majorities of gun owners (78 percent) and non-gun owners (64 percent) alike believe that so-motivated individuals will always find ways around gun laws.


Democrats (29 percent) are more than three times as likely as Republicans (8 percent) to say they think tougher gun laws could help stop these kinds of shootings.


Opinion Dynamics Corp. conducted the national telephone poll of 900 registered voters for FOX News from April 17 to April 18. The poll has a 3-point error margin.


A similar question produced roughly the same results after the sniper shootings in the Washington, DC area in late 2002. Fourteen percent of the public felt that tougher gun laws could stop situations like the sniper shootings, though fully 76 percent said they thought people would always find ways around tougher gun laws (22-23 October 2002).

So the story said roughly 80 % did not believe that tougher gun control would have prevented the situations.

Gun control should not be preventing responsible ownership.

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I was not referring to the article, I was referring to the poll on the left hand side of the page. 56% of the people said they preferred MORE gun rights, not less.


Oh I see it... but I am sure the margin of error is well about 6%..... I would say it is a wash.... But personally I don't think people like Cho should be able to legitimately purchase guns... That is just my opinion...


Like cochranj said... it is a tough call as to who can have guns....


about the fox poll.. I am pretty sure it was anti-gun because there was a buzz about it... the buzz is that foxnews is pretty right wing so everybody was surprised....




Evidently he had never been in trouble before, so how do we tell him he can't have a gun? Plus, do you really think crazy people or criminals are going to be worried by a gun control law? the only people that will obey them are the ones aren't likely to go a killing spree.


If a fruit cake really wants to kill a bunch of people, they will find a way to do it; bomb, poison, hijack a plane and fly it into a building..ect.


The fact is, there is a "Va Tech" in this country everyday. 30+ people are killed by random acts of violence in this country everyday, but when the same guy does all 30, it is somehow a gun control issue. Ridiculous.

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I was not referring to the article, I was referring to the poll on the left hand side of the page. 56% of the people said they preferred MORE gun rights, not less.


Oh I see it... but I am sure the margin of error is well about 6%..... I would say it is a wash.... But personally I don't think people like Cho should be able to legitimately purchase guns... That is just my opinion...


Like cochranj said... it is a tough call as to who can have guns....


about the fox poll.. I am pretty sure it was anti-gun because there was a buzz about it... the buzz is that foxnews is pretty right wing so everybody was surprised....




Evidently he had never been in trouble before, so how do we tell him he can't have a gun? Plus, do you really think crazy people or criminals are going to be worried by a gun control law? the only people that will obey them are the ones aren't likely to go a killing spree.


If a fruit cake really wants to kill a bunch of people, they will find a way to do it; bomb, poison, hijack a plane and fly it into a building..ect.


The fact is, there is a "Va Tech" in this country everyday. 30+ people are killed by random acts of violence in this country everyday, but when the same guy does all 30, it is somehow a gun control issue. Ridiculous.



I agree 100% with you on this one, DB! Well put.

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Seems to me that perhaps if Virgina Tech students were allowed to have guns on campus that someone may have been able to shoot the sorry bastard before he killed so many people. That's why the second ammendmend exists...... so we can arm ourselves and protect ourselves when the police can't help us.

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Not trying to be callous or insensitive on this issue ( I am sure someone will take it that way ) but I have to wonder....


in addition to other students or faculty having guns, wouldn't it seem like some of the folks that were lined up and ready to be executed would have fought back?


This is a real tough angle to take, but it seems to me, if you were in a classroom, or store and a guy comes in and lines you all up then starts shooting, wouldn't you think someone would fight back. Aside from one small group barricading the ba$+ard out of the room, I have not head of anyone attempting to stop him. We don't have all the details and the dirtbag won't be able to tell how it all happened but


Yeah, I know most people will flee an when they hear gunshots, but if you have no choice and your assailant starts shooting wouldn't you think someone fight back....


Personally, I think the public schools have hammered the non agression/passivity line so much that no one will take a stand like the folks on Flight 93 did.


Food for thought....

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I might be wrong , but the last time I filled out a FFL paper to buy a gun I am sure it ask if you are a "CITIZEN" of the U.S. . If you are not I don't think you can legally purchase a firearm? I might be wrong but I don't think he bought these guns legally? :huh:

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