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How's Your Hearing?

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Sometimes I'm surprised I can still hear elk bugles in September (and what direction they're coming from) that some younger guys I'm with can't. 12,000 Hz comes in loud and clear; 15,000 is a blank for me now. Check it out ...



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It is weird. I am legally deaf in my right ear (only 30% hearing left) from a nearly fatal hunting incident when I was 16. Story for another time. I have a really hard time hearing clearly and deciphering what is being said in a noisy environment (restaurant, public places, etc.), but I can hear a deer walking through the woods in the bottom of a canyon from 200 yards away.

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We do the hearing test at work each year. Too many years of no earplugs in pruduction areas. It is funny though that the side that is worse is the side the wife is on in the truck!

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If you ask my wife I am completely deaf. Of course when she is on the opposite side of the house trying to carry on a conversation what do you expect. But seriously if I am around restaurants or places with lots of back ground noise I do have a hard time hearing conversations. But get away from the noises and I can hear very well. I know there is a name for it but can't think of it right now. That is the other thing that goes. The memory.

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It is funny though that the side that is worse is the side the wife is on in the truck!

That is called "selective hearing". I definitely have that as well. I blame my real hearing loss for those times, and my wife knows it is BS.

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Tinitus (sp) pretty severe in left ear. But very slightly in the right. Like others have said in noisy environments I cant make sense of anything being said. But can still hear quite well in nature, though my ability to determine a direction of sound has suffered greatly.

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my old man is getting older and cant hear that well, its amazing how many animals you "see" with your ears if youre listening real hard. i will hear them, he wont and he will just go walking into the middle of them lol

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Iv had some crazy shooting sessions in my day and know exactly what you are talking about with that whole can't hear $hit when there is a lot of background noise.....

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4 years in a combat engineer batallion in the marine corps blowing chit up...my ears suck

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4 years in a combat engineer batallion in the marine corps blowing chit up...my ears suck

Thank you for your service.

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15,000 was loud and clear, 17,400 was nothing. I'm 53

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