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Does Working Out Help You Hunt Better?

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i guess theres guys out there that workout to be better hunters or something? i just assumed people worked out to be in generally better condition. its a bit of hot button issue apparently because i saw this post on FB and read the comments and thought wow, these guys really hate hunters that workout haha




any thoughts on that?


i think if you hike better youre a better hunter. if youre fat, its harder to hike. its not necessary but i would think theres gotta be a general improvement in hunting performance

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It absolutely does! Plus if you keep in shape and eat healthy, you will hunt longer in life then the guy who doesn't.

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Being fat myself I can tell you it's hard! If I work at it and lose a few pounds and get some cardio I totally notice a difference!!! But I also tag out year after year for tags I draw. Fat or skinny doesn't make you harvest different but I'd rather be buff and in shape than fat and giggly after a harvest.

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Well ya, you see a little more when you can hunt harder, especially these days. Pump it i

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I think it is ridiculous to say that exercising does not improve your hunting abilities. Have you ever heard of some guys named Zac Griffith or Cameron Hanes??? Well if you don't, just know that they are fitness gurus and are hunting beasts because of it. They have a mindset that is, "It will NOT be because of my lack of training or fitness that I will not be successful" and these guys make it so. I am also striving to make it so my body will not fail me when I need it. Yes, your fitness may not affect your glassing skills, shooting skills, or field judging skills themselves, but ultimately, your fitness will affect everything leading to those skills and after. A stalk, hike in, a pack out all are affected by your body's performance. You my be the best glasser in the world but if that animal isn't within your shooting range, then you are going to have to make a stalk, and if you cant make the stalk, well you're SOL. And if you are able to get an animal down, you need to get it out.


I know exercise is hard, but no matter how little you do, you are still becoming a better hunter with every little step you make.

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I change my stance on this. Being out of shape is good for your hunting skills. It keeps you close to the main roads where it's easier to get your harvested game out and it makes you slow down and glass more, close to main roads of course. I'd like to encourage other hunters to get as fat and out of shape as possible. It can only make you a better Hunter. See you all out there, within a half mile of major roads of course!

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Depends on what type of hunting a guy wants to do. For me, working out and pushing myself mentally helps when it comes hunting time. That day in day out of allowing your mind to overcome when your body is telling you to "quit" personally helps me in the mountains.


Now if I could keep my feet in that same shape and not wear them out the first couple of days I'd be a lot better off...


Interesting topic here. Thanks for posting it.

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I wouldn't say it directly linear in that the better shape you are the better hunter you are. What it will do is provide you with more opportunities while out in the field.


Would a "better" hunter need less chances in the field?

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From my own personal experience....


when I started hunting 8ish years ago I was OUT OF SHAPE!!!!! I remember trying to keep up and how often I had to stop and rest.


Fast forward to now. I'm in the best shape of my life and YES YES YES YES I see a HUGE difference in my hunting ability. I can hike/climb to the top of any mountain and I now have no physical limits. If I see an animal anywhere, I'm going after it.


On a recent outing, I honestly for the first time truly realized how much better in shape I am than the far majority of women in my age group...well actually I could go all the way down into the 20s age group and I'm 42. I often look around me at the younger generation and wonder "What are they thinking?" Fast food/processed foods and no exercise = NOT HEALTHY!


I personally like being able to do anything I want when I'm in the field. Now that I've experienced what it is like to be healthier, I'm not going back ever. I've made changes and this is now my forever lifestyle.

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It sure helps with the backpacking trips, not to mention if you're lucky enough to drop one. The last two deer I hauled out took me 3 trips total to get the deer & the gear back to the jeep. Thank god I was only a mile away from the jeep, but still turned into 6 miles of back & forth, up & down, over deadfalls rocks & crap at 8500 feet to get them into the cooler. I'm not in the greatest of shape, but I was thankful that I wasn't toting an extra 20 lbs on my rear. ;)


Almost forgot this guy too: 1-1/2 hours in with a 20lb. pack, 3-1/2 hours out with an 80 lber. I was a jogging beast at that point and it paid off.



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In direct answer to the title of the thread, Yes it helps you hunt better, NO it does not make you a better hunter.


IMO the greatest factor(besides a little luck) in making someone a better hunter (I'll define as increasing success) is TIME. Time spent studying maps, scouting or actual time hunting etc...


If by working out it allows you to spend more time in the field either during a backpack hunt, or just the mental fortitude to keep going then

yes it helps.



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