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Too bad some of you cannot calmly discuss an issue. Fact is, leaving stuff in the forest is a "claiming" behavior. Stand, blinds, cams............. Why is it when someone places, salt, stands, cams etc. on public lands (usually water) AND another hunter happens to be there, the meltdown starts. Hunting is recreation, I don't need an altercation which could bankrupt me (or worse).


The whole thing stinks. "Claimers" will often not hunt a spot although their stuff is there. People who see the claimers junk won't either wanting to avoid confrontation. "Stuff" left on public land affects others hunt strategy. Legally it does not but reality is a different animal.

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Lerner and rowe is the way to go. Ok you buncha web footed crosseyed inbred jerks. Anybody says anything bad about .270's, or me bein' a genius or good lookin' or tall or a genius, I'm gonna sue ya. You will hear from j. Noble dagger and goldborn and obsberg. And I'm gonna tell mommy. Lark.

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Too bad some of you cannot calmly discuss an issue. Fact is, leaving stuff in the forest is a "claiming" behavior. Stand, blinds, cams............. Why is it when someone places, salt, stands, cams etc. on public lands (usually water) AND another hunter happens to be there, the meltdown starts. Hunting is recreation, I don't need an altercation which could bankrupt me (or worse).


The whole thing stinks. "Claimers" will often not hunt a spot although their stuff is there. People who see the claimers junk won't either wanting to avoid confrontation. "Stuff" left on public land affects others hunt strategy. Legally it does not but reality is a different animal.


False! Hunting is big business!!...to some

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Str8shot, go put the Boonedock saints in the vcr and watch them live the life you do behind your keyboard. You should change your avatar picture by taking away his guns and holding a keyboard in one hand and a copy of the regs in the other. Can't wait to get a pic of you on one of my 20 cameras i run over salt licks, that may or may not have a stand placed near them. that'll never happen though, as it's hard to drag your computer desk through the woods

Even ignorant to technology these days, if you think when I am miles from any road that I can not connect ... heck it is amazing how often you find decent data signal by pushing up to top of some of the big hills... by this time next year you will know if I have visited your cameras , licks and blinds as the GPS locations will be published for all to see... I started the framework a couple years ago and pulled back because of some decent guys on this and another site asking me to. If you think I am not willing


to put the boots to the ground, you are very misguided and I would even bet that their are enough

willing to pay for that kind of information to make a full time career of it.... I guess the whole first come

first serve ethics will be put to the test more as placing personal property and leaving it on OUR public

lands does not make it your spot...


Be careful out there searching for tree stands and cameras. You might run into a lion or bear. Also watch for illegal bear traps , you wouldnt want to step on one of those. Good luck


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Too bad some of you cannot calmly discuss an issue. Fact is, leaving stuff in the forest is a "claiming" behavior. Stand, blinds, cams............. Why is it when someone places, salt, stands, cams etc. on public lands (usually water) AND another hunter happens to be there, the meltdown starts. Hunting is recreation, I don't need an altercation which could bankrupt me (or worse).


The whole thing stinks. "Claimers" will often not hunt a spot although their stuff is there. People who see the claimers junk won't either wanting to avoid confrontation. "Stuff" left on public land affects others hunt strategy. Legally it does not but reality is a different animal.

Having had a couple cameras kindly removed by the overly ethical, I now go through great effort to make mine difficult to find. They can neither mark territory nor offend the delicate little flowers out wandering the woods (copy of regs in hand no doubt) if they're never seen to begin with.

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Too bad some of you cannot calmly discuss an issue. Fact is, leaving stuff in the forest is a "claiming" behavior. Stand, blinds, cams............. Why is it when someone places, salt, stands, cams etc. on public lands (usually water) AND another hunter happens to be there, the meltdown starts. Hunting is recreation, I don't need an altercation which could bankrupt me (or worse).


The whole thing stinks. "Claimers" will often not hunt a spot although their stuff is there. People who see the claimers junk won't either wanting to avoid confrontation. "Stuff" left on public land affects others hunt strategy. Legally it does not but reality is a different animal.

Having had a couple cameras kindly removed by the overly ethical, I now go through great effort to make mine difficult to find. They can neither mark territory nor offend the delicate little flowers out wandering the woods (copy of regs in hand no doubt) if they're never seen to begin with.


It is never ethical to mess with other peoples stuff. When I encounter cams I always try to make sure my picture is on the card.

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Too bad some of you cannot calmly discuss an issue. Fact is, leaving stuff in the forest is a "claiming" behavior. Stand, blinds, cams............. Why is it when someone places, salt, stands, cams etc. on public lands (usually water) AND another hunter happens to be there, the meltdown starts. Hunting is recreation, I don't need an altercation which could bankrupt me (or worse).


The whole thing stinks. "Claimers" will often not hunt a spot although their stuff is there. People who see the claimers junk won't either wanting to avoid confrontation. "Stuff" left on public land affects others hunt strategy. Legally it does not but reality is a different animal.

I agree with you. My take is if there are 5 cams do I really want to hunt there? There might be a better spot that is harder to get to and keeps more human traffic out. There are no guarantees however. Cams don't bother me but gives a good idea who is looking at the area. Just because there is a cam does not mean it is a hunters. Maybe it belongs to wildlife viewers, LE, pot growers, big foot hunters, biologist researchers, aliens from space? Who knows except the person who put it out what it is being used for. So why do we assume every cam, blind, or stand belongs to a hunter?


I do not have a problem finding natural stands. If you build them right they are hard to find. I think the altercations come in from short hunt times, limited tags, and other factors I am not thinking about. People want to claim the best spots for themselves. That is why you need a plan B-- plan whatever. If you can't talk to the other hunters how do you know when they will be in there? There are more hunts in the units for different species than just one. Archery deer and elk run together here. There use to be three hunts now two, then you have muzzle loader deer and elk, elk early october deer late, then rifle in the same order in November. I counted 9 deer hunts and 6 elk hunts not counting bear and cougar in my unit here in NM. Maybe all those blinds, stands, and cams belong to nobody on your hunt.


So it is first come first serve whether stands are in place or not. Not all the time. You can be the bigger person or the AH or both at the same time. One time here I was at a waterhole I wanted to sit at sundown. I did not have a blind set up and there was no other blind set up. I usually get to spots early to allow the woods to settle in plenty of time. I had been there about an hour when somebody else shows up. They seem rather pissed I am there and they tell me they are hunting there. We could have fought it out, I was legally right as I was there first but I was the bigger person and moved. The reason I moved is I knew where the elk would be coming from. It was upwind down a small canyon from the west rather than from the east as this "hunter" thought. I said he could have the tank I was going up the little canyon about 500 yards, this is the road into this tank so he laughed and said have at it.


You guessed it, 500-600 yards up wind of the water tank I found a good blind spot off the two track into this tank. Now since I was downwind of where the elk should come from and Mr. AH was downwind of me I took off all my base layers and shorts and socks I had been sweating in, turned everything inside out and hung up on trees. I got dressed again and sat down with the smoke pole. 30 minutes before legal shooting light ended the day I shot a nice 5x5 feeding down the canyon to the water tank. He was still upwind of me as I suspected he might be. It sure was a nice feeling to wave at AH going by when his hunting buddy picked him up after dark. I later found out he had seen nothing all the time he was at the tank. Imagine that. So we can have these arguments or act reasonably. I prefer to meet others and work with them as we all should be working together.

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