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When the horse named ethics dies, we'll all lose access to the places we love. Would be nice if people were more civil and could grow up a little, but a very important discussion regardless.

This topic has been discussed numerous times and things turn out the same every time.

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Guest wdenike

Ya all know that those that do, do. And those that can't. Teach, and preach ethics. Which is incognito for having a nose problem, and trying to justify forcing others to do things their way. When this type of cancer enters the hunting comunity we are in trouble.





Take care, Willie

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Str8Thief, if you spent half the time trying to hunt yourself that you spend trying to prevent others from doing so, you might not be half @$$ bad at it.

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Str8Thief, if you spent half the time trying to hunt yourself that you spend trying to prevent others from doing so, you might not be half @$$ bad at it.


Again showing your ignorance, but that is Okay since the truth about rules you either know nothing about or choose to ignore must hurt you that bad. Funny that a person that does not empathize with your position, you find it easier to label falsely and open yourself up to libel and slander charges. Continue to do so and I will show you what laws are about. This is a published website and while you can disagree with me and tell me that in your opinion I am full of shoot, call me a hypocrite. What you can not do is to falsely accuse me and call me a thief. So here is your warning and one for any other person out there who does not understand. If someone does not agree with you or empathize with you for losing something taken by others this does not make them a thief, and to wrongfully accuse in that manner on a public forum is Slanderous and libel. I know you may have a hard time understanding rules and laws but if you choose to continue to defame me, because I do not empathize or agree with you, then you are putting yourself and Amanda in an awkward position. You do not have to like me, I do not really care if you do. The fact is what I shared here is my opinion and facts about the laws and rules of OUR public lands... I am sorry if that is a jagged pill for you swallow.

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slander? uhoh, str8 guy is gonna sue us all. now that we got that str8, if we all do what he says we'll all be better for it. crap, i liked it better when i was allowed to have an opinion of my own. now i'm just shakin' in my clod hoppers. not. pathetic. Lark.

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Amen Shane!






I love the spin zone you live in. If you knew anything about law or law enforcement you would know that it IS up to the digression and interpretation of the LEO... and Even Then we have a court system behind that to Dissect each instance individually. As Shane says above... try to take a truck or a travel trailer that has been "abandoned" by the definition of the Rule you so covet... I bet you land your self-righteous Arse in Jail for grand theft!! hahaha Stealing is stealing....PERIOD. If you have a problem with a camera, groundblind, treesatand, camp, vehicle, or other personal property of value that you "Believe" is abandon on Public land then I suggest you call someone with a badge, a gun, and the legal ability to do something about it... Otherwise... Stealing someone's stuff on public land could result in Murphy's law.... or Karma?


And do me a favor... spare us the Sanctimonious BS about how you were raised... cuz you still pull your pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us Sinners... Cheers, Thug!

CnS , you and Shane must have selective reading ... See I would not take something abandoned, but I would let the proper LEO know and I have watched them remove trailers that have sat unattended for weeks trying to secure a site for an upcoming hunt. Just because I do not empathize with those of you who gamble and lose when leaving stuff out on our public lands does not make me one of the people who take stuff... I actually just do not care that much. I would go the route I almost did a couple years ago and may go ahead and do this year ... and that is to create a website publishing GPS coordinates to every stand, cam, blind and honey hole I find in the units I hunt and hike ( I have a pretty good list in some of the more popular units) ... I will make sure to share the link when I get it up and running!



p.s. CnS when I exceed the speed limit I do not cry when I get caught and given a ticket, even if I was not more than 10 mph over... see that is what taking a gamble may give you in the end. Actions and Consequences ... Make a poor decision and lose that is your fault ... I do not trust enough to leave $$$$ laying unattended in the forests for too long, and the way many of you talk with the thousands of nights of camp set up in my life I must be dang lucky not to never have anything taken.


so because you dont agree with people putting ground blinds or stands out early to get deer used to them, and that person maybe not being able to get back out soon enough to your standards to retrieve them, they deserve to be taken either by an LEO or thief?? and people hanging cams you are going to go as far as posting a website for people to see the locations of them? i would imagine your website would do the exact opposite of what you want, which would be more people lag bolting and chaining cams to trees, to make it harder on would be thieves that check your website you plan to make, to steal cams, blinds, stands, etc... seems counter productive to me.

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Guest wdenike

careful, he's gonna call J. Noble Dagget. Lark.





Um........ You mean LORD DAGGET??????? That would be serious chit..





Take care, Willie

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Guest wdenike

And drug addicts..... And don't even think about drug tests to interfere with the good thing we got goin... Oh and by the way we leave trash all over the neighbor hood.. Absolutely nothing unethical about it. Wouldn't recognize the place cleaned up.





Take care, Willie

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didn't know you could slander someone using an alias.

don't think his words have slanted how people feel about you and your bs on this site... you do fine on your own.



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