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I have yet to talk to an LEO or WM that enforces the littering law as you define it... if they were, they would have used that law instead of the new baiting rules and actually WRITE tickets (that is how the law would be enforced, BTW). FYI, you're tuck is abandoned in the forest the instant you walk away from it... How far do you want the literal words to be taken? Your camp? Your backpack and lunch if you walk over the hill? Come on man... You are a $hit Starter and a Gawd Dam Hypocrite if you say you have never left anything that you own on the Forest... unless of course you never leave that keyboard and live vicariously through your Drama? I have found some cool stuff in the woods and cool stuff ain't trash, so it isn't mine to take... Period. Why this is even debatable I don't know... but if you find someone else's stuff in the woods and it is bugging you that bad, then have an LEO handle it... pick up a phone and call them!! Acting like a tough guy saving the forest by relieving others of their ground blinds, treestands, and cameras is nothing more than a smoke and mirrors version of a THEIF. Period.

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What happened to Ol CWT.com,


Nothing but Classifieds and bitching and moaning about how the other guy (or gal) does it......



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So.............are we getting sandwiches or not? I dont care who makes them, Im starving.

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Spirited debate of issues relating to land use, hunting, etc. is good. It's what this site is all about. This is the Campfire right? I've got a lot of respect for many members here that I vehemently disagree with on certain issues. I believe they are good ethical people who just don't see things the way I do. It's OK.


Unfortunately, there are posters who make uncivilized remarks about others i.e. personal attacks, sexual innuendo, etc. Fortunately, Amanda has given us the ability to put these posters on "ignore". Currently, I don't have an ignore list BUT that will likely change soon. There are a few posters here that I've just about given up on.

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Guest wdenike
So.............are we getting sandwiches or not? I dont care who makes them, Im starving.[/quot





ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! Samwichs would be nice. I hope the faint of heart don't take their ball and bat and go home. JEE



Take care, Willie

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Spirited debate of issues relating to land use, hunting, etc. is good. It's what this site is all about. This is the Campfire right? I've got a lot of respect for many members here that I vehemently disagree with on certain issues. I believe they are good ethical people who just don't see things the way I do. It's OK.


Unfortunately, there are posters who make uncivilized remarks about others i.e. personal attacks, sexual innuendo, etc. Fortunately, Amanda has given us the ability to put these posters on "ignore". Currently, I don't have an ignore list BUT that will likely change soon. There are a few posters here that I've just about given up on.

Well said. If hunters can't sit around a real or virtual campfire and talk about issues that affect us all, what's the point of having a forum?

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I don't think too many are faint of heart on here.... I'm not anyway. PB and J's all around? I'm starving too

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Guest wdenike

I don't think too many are faint of heart on here.... I'm not anyway. PB and J's all around? I'm starving too


I vote the clown that tried to chain ya in the kitchen should do the prep, and serving!!!!! LMAO




Take care, Willie

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Interesting topic. Let's say you are walking down the street and find a wallet full of cash. You pick it up, look around for an obvious owner, none to be found.


Depending on your ethics it's either


A) your lucky day


B.) your hardship because now you have to find the owner and make sure it gets back to him/her.


What I love about this forum and the community here is that the vast majority fall into category B.


However, there will always be those that fall into A and will rationalize it any way they can.


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Interesting topic. Let's say you are walking down the street and find a wallet full of cash. You pick it up, look around for an obvious owner, none to be found.


Depending on your ethics it's either


A) your lucky day


B.) your hardship because now you have to find the owner and make sure it gets back to him/her.



i dont think thats really the question. its sounds like more or less, at what point does someone hunting accessories become trash.


or what if i want to hunt an area, i just concede it to someone that leaves their stuff up all year every year like they own it?

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the only thing in hunting that is truly unethical is the 7mm/08. Lark

I knew it was only a matter of time before this came up!

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As a shed hunter, not an actual hunter I see MANY things that disturb me while hiking. Abandoned property( washing machines, beds, camper shells) piles of trash, quad trails on non existing roads. I take issue with all these things. On that same note, aside from trash its not my place to touch, tamper with or remove anyone's property. They paid for those items, and ethically it is wrong to take the law into my own hands to " resolve" the issues. I've seen tree stands on trees that have fallen down in the forest and still do not touch it. I see SO many cameras I have lost count. I would never think of taking these items!! If people feel that strongly join forrest services or azgfd to make a real difference. When I read all the negative posts all I see is the hunting community giving the anti hunters a blueprint on how to make everything illegal. To each their own. If I didn't pay for it, I do not take it. Simple ethics and rules really. That is all. People need to stop nit picking at fellow hunters. We have enough of that from the anti hunters. Just enjoy gods beautiful country people and Respect it, respect each other! What happened to just being a good person? That is all. Happy hunting


Good post. We also need to band together. Hunters need to stand together and not shrug their shoulders when their fellow outdoorsmen are under attack. Recently you hear of Obama's AR-15 green tip ammo ban and a few people saying "this doesn't affect me as I don't shoot that ammo." There will be restrictions on water fowlers, but some won't complain, because they don't hunt ducks. Then they come for lead rifle ammo, and by that time the others have left the game and there's nobody left to stand up for you.

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the people on here complaining about someone leaving out a stand or camera longer than what they think should are upset because someone has been out there hunting. they don't like seeing people that put in the extra work before a hunt starts, probably show up to camp on thursday night to start their hunt, and hate the people that have been there for a week in advance scouting and "hogging" the good campsites. Armchair quarterback is correct. there are people out there scouting, hanging stands, placing salt, placing cameras pretty much year round, while some slob behind his keyboard is raising a stink about him doing it because he himself is too lazy to put forth that kind of effort to take an animal and thinks that the person doing it now has an "unfair advantage". should stands and blinds be left out year round? absolutely not. a month before or after the season, why not? ethical=legal. I am a law abiding hunter to the nth degree, but what i do or how i hunt, MANY of these people will think of it as unethical.

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