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Gun Prepper (being prepared)

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I have my Springfeild xd 40 in my finger print locked and loaded next to my bed. Plus my wife sig 380, ( for quick response), a short barrel shot gun in the closets (rounds are in the top drawer to keep kids away, 4 shot high brass) and the Ar-15 with side pouches loaded magazines. Have 300 rounds shotgun, 1000 rounds of 223, few hundred .270 rounds, 100 rounds 380, and 1000 rounds of .40. Of course all this is recreational and I enjoy hunting and shooting, but this is the minimal amount I keep.

Everybody's prepping is different, but I prep for the Katrina type scenarios. I don't think this country is going to fall apart any time in my lifetime or that were forced to fight the government for any reason. But I am prepared for lawlessness that might happen. If a natural disaster happen that we lost power drinking water food for a long period time there might be a mass panic. Just like Katrina there were fire fights with defense contractors that were hired because police went home and was trying to support protect and help their families out. So if Phoenix and outer cities ever becomes a tombstone of modern-day for a few weeks or so at least I'm prepared with protection, 4 months of food, 2 months of water. Now if something did happen like that I know a lot of people will be out there helping each other out. More so then bad! But perhaps rougher cities or neighborhoods it could be different, or they might pour in your neighborhood.

What's your prepping situation and what do you believe in? Any tactics or ideas?????

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Simple. I have lots of guns and ammo. My mother-in-law is a food storage/prepper nut bag. The stuff hits the fan, I take out my mother-in-law and take all her food. It is what I call the ultimate Win-Win scenario.


In all seriousness, I think emergency preparation is important. But I don't take it to the same extreme as many. I do have numerous fire arms with several thousand rounds of ammo within arms reach, but that is for recreation as well as preparation. I have had substantial fire arms practice and training. Likewise, I have put my wife through several firearms training and self defense programs. We have a stocked pantry that would keep my family well fed for several weeks. Add to that a years supply of dry goods should things ever get really bad. Most of this year supply is is stuff like dry beans, rice, oats, sugar, etc. It might not be fine dining, but would sustain us through a bad situation for quite some time.


If things really got bad, you wouldn't find me any where the city. I'm pretty confident I could have my family, the previosly mentioned provisions, and other survival gear (camping stuff, chain saw, etc.) loaded up in our vehicles and trailers in a couple of hours. I'd then meet up with a few like minded friends and their families and head for the hills.

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Having the stuff to survive is one thing, knowing how to use it is another. Practice as if your life depends on it, because one day it might. Sounds like you're ready to rock! I'd be happy to have neighbors like you Zeke!

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Come on guys! Just wait for your government check , everything will be plentiful. Trust your elected officials.post-8438-0-42339800-1425428215.jpeg


I may have crossed the line again, but I cant help myself.

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i just live past the middle of nowhere and don't worry about zombies and weirdos and the apocolypse. when it happens, it happens. Lark.

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