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"Beefalo" hunting in grand canyon

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I realize that there are very few pure lines of bison left, but didnt realize these were considered "beefalo". They look way smaller and more buffalo like then any of the Montana, Wyoming or Dakota buffalo I've seen.

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yeah, I think the broad audience that the Outdoor Hub addresses they had to be more technical. Ive read articles about the history behind az's buffalo. By technicality, they are beefalo.... but they are probably as close to true buffalo az has ever had


G&F list them as buffalo

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The cattle portion must be pretty minute. This is a bad example, but they must be far less cattle than I am native american (1/64th). Its there, (and I'm proud of it), but its so small, you can hardly call me a native.

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Our "Buffalo" appear to be very close to pure. Make the minimum measurements and they're in the Boone and Crocket record book. Calling them "beefalo" will make it much easier for the Park Service to eradicate them by whatever means as an invasive species. (Public Opinion)


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Agree with what EBB posted. By calling them beefalo it helps park service to rationalize their extermination.

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From all the stories, articles etc they are pretty dang close to true buffalo. I agree with EBB, we should refuse the terminology. $hit if wolves can be in the park.....then our game can too

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There also has been a lot of talk about PAYING for someone to terminate all these animals! Not cool! Federal tax dollars taking away our STATE resources

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Does anyone know if the Bill passed to allow us to hunt on the Park? This will completely change my mind about burning my points for that hunt!

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If they kill off the buffalo and not the wild burros they are idiots

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real interesting. if they are gonna use the beefalo excuse then maybe that will open up an avenue to get rid off the dog/wolf curs they are trying to pass off as mexican wolves? real interesting double standard the gov't takes on things. we have condors from california, chukars from iran or turkey or wherever the he ll they're from, cur dogs bred with half breed wolfs, elk from wyoming, bighorns from the rockies, trout from germany, any number of species brung here from some foreign place and they wanna shoot all the bison because they are part cow? and the wild donkeys and horses are completely protected, even with all the data that shows what a detrement they are to native species? real interesting. guess that's where the term "government mule" comes from. (mule=1/2horse+one half jackass) all the gov't guys are at least half jackass. Lark,

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  On 3/4/2015 at 11:18 PM, Big Browns said:

Does anyone know if the Bill passed to allow us to hunt on the Park? This will completely change my mind about burning my points for that hunt!

G&F will probably auction off the hunts or charge outrageous prices for the tags/hunts if it does go through.

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Guest 300ultramag.

then cow elk...



then cows deer...


cow patties.... they all have to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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