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Illegal Blinds/Hunting in Madera

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While shed-hunting/beast walking the past couple of weekends, I have been finding brush blinds, I checked a few spots down close to the road into Madera Canyon,( hunting is closed 1/4mile from paved surface's)...

I found three brush blinds sunday and a broadhead tipped arrow stuck in a tree(prob shot from the road)...

I may know who is building some of the blinds and will have alittle chat with them...


FS is aware of this area... and the other spots south and east of here...



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Just a question: How is it legal to close hunting within 1/4 mile of a paved surface? Is it FS land? National Park? Wildlife refuge?


I understand no shooting "knowingly from, onto, or across" a road or railway.

I also understand "no discharge of a firearm with 1/4 of an occupied structure or recreation area".

And lastly, "from a vehicle or boat under power".

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I'm with Lance a little more info why this area can't be hunted? I'm I'm curious.

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Just a question: How is it legal to close hunting within 1/4 mile of a paved surface? Is it FS land? National Park? Wildlife refuge?


I understand no shooting "knowingly from, onto, or across" a road or railway.

I also understand "no discharge of a firearm with 1/4 of an occupied structure or recreation area".

And lastly, "from a vehicle or boat under power".



Just a question: How is it legal to close hunting within 1/4 mile of a paved surface? Is it FS land? National Park? Wildlife refuge?


I understand no shooting "knowingly from, onto, or across" a road or railway.

I also understand "no discharge of a firearm with 1/4 of an occupied structure or recreation area".

And lastly, "from a vehicle or boat under power".


National forest lands... Coronado nat' forest...

The Canyon used to be(20+years ago) open hunting anywhere, except for the 1/4mile from a building rule, then it was closed to be 150yards from paved surface, now closed 1/4mile from all paved surface(10+years)...


One of these blinds is in a location that has brought AZG&F 1000's of dollars in fines and cost "hunter's" years in licence revocations...


As guy's drive into the Canyon to the trailheads, Coues Deer/Bear are seen down lower, in super prime terrain, near oaks/water/etc, so instead of doing things CORRECT, well, as we all know... There are those among us who only care about "getting their's" and screw the laws...


Yes, I know AZG&F, Forest Rangers, etc read these forums, They know who I am(hint: in early 2015January, while the road was closed due to snow, I walked a Fed. Game KNine LEO to a where a treestand was hung 75yards off the road)...


It is NOT my Job to enforce any laws, but when things of this nature happen, I will say something, either to a persons face, or report to LEO's...



I don't like the rule! Since the rule does currently exist I'm glad somone is turning in those who are not following it! The one's who don't follow the rules are the one's who make us all look bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How about looking at the silver lining… one less person hunting the remote stuff.

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Just a question: How is it legal to close hunting within 1/4 mile of a paved surface? Is it FS land? National Park? Wildlife refuge?


I understand no shooting "knowingly from, onto, or across" a road or railway.

I also understand "no discharge of a firearm with 1/4 of an occupied structure or recreation area".

And lastly, "from a vehicle or boat under power".


Just a question: How is it legal to close hunting within 1/4 mile of a paved surface? Is it FS land? National Park? Wildlife refuge?


I understand no shooting "knowingly from, onto, or across" a road or railway.

I also understand "no discharge of a firearm with 1/4 of an occupied structure or recreation area".

And lastly, "from a vehicle or boat under power".

National forest lands... Coronado nat' forest...

The Canyon used to be(20+years ago) open hunting anywhere, except for the 1/4mile from a building rule, then it was closed to be 150yards from paved surface, now closed 1/4mile from all paved surface(10+years)...


One of these blinds is in a location that has brought AZG&F 1000's of dollars in fines and cost "hunter's" years in licence revocations...


As guy's drive into the Canyon to the trailheads, Coues Deer/Bear are seen down lower, in super prime terrain, near oaks/water/etc, so instead of doing things CORRECT, well, as we all know... There are those among us who only care about "getting their's" and screw the laws...


Yes, I know AZG&F, Forest Rangers, etc read these forums, They know who I am(hint: in early 2015January, while the road was closed due to snow, I walked a Fed. Game KNine LEO to a where a treestand was hung 75yards off the road)...


It is NOT my Job to enforce any laws, but when things of this nature happen, I will say something, either to a persons face, or report to LEO's...


Thank you for the clarification. I applaud your efforts! Seriously. I have turned people in to Operation Game Thief on a few occasions, or directly to LEOs/G&F if they are available. It goes a long way in keeping the hunting traditions open for future generations. A thief is a thief, whether it is taking game illegally, stealing a car, or some 2x4s from a house under construction (there is a house under construction across the street from me, and I stopped some would-be thieves on Sept. 1, 2014. Dove opener had me up at 3:00AM, and two whistles had them running for their truck empty handed.).

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Do these people know the rules? they should but if they don't, do you tell them before you call enforcement? Are they putting people in harms way? Just wondering what your motive is with this. I know you love 34a, my guess is most don't know of this law I have hunted 34a since 1977 and didn't know this rule was in place, I don't hunt where the bird watchers walk but I would if I knew a big buck was there I would always thought it was 1/4 mile off the pavement. I f you know the people doing this and they continue to do it I would just poop in the blind every time I hiked to it, if they don't know tear it down maybe even leave a note telling them it is against the law.

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Just a question: How is it legal to close hunting within 1/4 mile of a paved surface? Is it FS land? National Park? Wildlife refuge?


I understand no shooting "knowingly from, onto, or across" a road or railway.

I also understand "no discharge of a firearm with 1/4 of an occupied structure or recreation area".

And lastly, "from a vehicle or boat under power".

Forest Service closed a 4 mile stretch of Reddington road in unit 33 to hunting. It is closed to discharge of any weapon including bow within .6 mile of the road.

That's like 4 square miles...

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Just a question: How is it legal to close hunting within 1/4 mile of a paved surface? Is it FS land? National Park? Wildlife refuge?


I understand no shooting "knowingly from, onto, or across" a road or railway.

I also understand "no discharge of a firearm with 1/4 of an occupied structure or recreation area".

And lastly, "from a vehicle or boat under power".

Forest Service closed a 4 mile stretch of Reddington road in unit 33 to hunting. It is closed to discharge of any weapon including bow within .6 mile of the road.

That's like 4 square miles...

...and that 1/4mile, .6mile or whatever restriction is in place is open to some dispute, according to those I have talked to in the FS, depending on who you talk to, time of the month, etc. you are going to get a different answer... is the distance figured by actual distance??? as the crow flies??? sight-line??? (a 600yard walk may only put you 150yards off a road)

(I use my GPS and add alittle to make sure I am out of a closed area, just to hedge my bets and stay within the sprit of the law...)

Next question is: is it posted properly? I have asked Forest Service for a map of closed areas in Madera... I was told there isn't a map

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So is it a 1/4 mile from paved surface, or .6 mile? That is more than double the distance. .6 miles is about 1056 yards vs. 440 yards for 1/4 mile.

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Where does this restriction start? Is it at the Forest Boundary or after the pay station? I will be getting a map as I had no idea this rule was in place. And also what do they consider hunting, is the rule just no discharge of firearm within 1/4 mile of the road or do they consider Glassing from near the road hunting.

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