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Favorite Family Memories

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Figured this needed to be brought back up, getting burned out on all the CCard hype and want to see more great memories from you all!


Whether you get a tag or not, still gonna be tons of stuff to do in the outdoors this year with friends and family!


As I flip through my Photobucket library, seems like every page has great memories I've had over the years that I don't think about or remember often but it's neat to reflect back on them!


Here's a photo of a day long ago when I took my then "girlfirend" on a day trip with the Mules, "Katie" and "Gracie". Little did she know that once we reached the top of the mountain and while enjoying the view I would get down on my knee and propose to her! She obviously said yes! Great memory for sure! JIM>





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It was hard to get the girls to pose for that picture too! Luckily the blinking light on the camera got their attention long enough! HA!

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AND we were lucky they didn't take off when the flash went!

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AND we were lucky they didn't take off when the flash went!


Lucky indeed. Otherwise you might now have the memory of the day you proposed, she said yes, and then changed her mind after walking 15 miles back to the truck and spending the evening looking for lost mules. ;)

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My grandaughter and I on her first fishing trip ever. Proud PaPa...



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This is my Dad with me in Cameron, La. his home town. We were getting ready for the annual cattle roundup and branding. I was maybe 4 years old which makes this photo about 54 years old. I miss him more than you know. God bless ya "Pops". You were truly a great man.


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Anyone mind if we fire this thread back up? These aren't the most "outdoorsie", but still pretty adventures.


A couple years ago, my younger brother, who was stationed in Germany at the time, sent out an email to me and my other brothers basically saying, "Hey, I'm down to my last six months, if any of you are going to visit you'd better do it NOW!"


I jumped at the opportunity and my kiddo and I hopped over the puddle for a week in the old world. We stayed with them at their townhouse in the village of Nohfeldon, which may be the most beautiful place I've ever seen. It's a small town nestled in the mountains with a couple creeks running through it and surrounded by national forest. We spent a couple morning cruising around on the hiking trails looking for some German deer. Caught a glimpse of some once running away, but didn't get a good enough look to really see what kind they were. They looked much bigger than our mule deer, but not elk size by any means.

Turns out the Germans are hunting fools. There's elevated blinds/stands all over the forest and dang near every field you drive by you can find a couple around them. We climbed up into one of them to look around. Pretty cool set-ups. Most are made from materials laying around in the forest.




These are from a hiking trail in the surrounding forest overlooking Nohfeldon.






My daughter and brother in front of some Roman ruins in the city of Trier.




This may be my favorite picture ever: me and my nephew leaving the ruins, and he is not too happy about it.




Strassburg, France which is just a couple hours drive away from Nohfeldon.









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Hunting, fishing....hiking.....antler hunting, camping.....all what I consider to be great family favorites of mine.


In the early years it was trips to the White Mountains from the dry desolate Animas Valley in southern New Mexico.

This first picture is of a great catch from the Little Colorado there in front of what used to be the Wiltbank Cabins in Greer. 1968






Best of times spent fishing with my dad, he would drop us off at the top end of the Little Colorado with a can of worms, a couple of extra hooks and a Zebco rod and reel setup.


That time spent with my Dad and my family in the White Mountains made me want to live in Arizona and raise my boys hunting and fishing the area I had grown to love as a kid.


Pig hunting in Southern Arizona


Antler hunting in antler country.


Watching my son pass on the love and tradition to my grandkids!!


And still enjoying the cold morning hunt with my youngest boy



Lots of pictures with so many memories and great times, flat tires, fish hooks in the cheek, 1000 ft. elevation climb to get back to the truck and heal no I am not going to leave these antlers behind, hauling a bear out in the dark and the big one that got away.


What a great place we live in being able to enjoy the opportunites




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What a great topic. I grew up in a family that loved to hunt and fish. Hiking Canoeing trips. It all started with my dad. Him and I shared some special special times in the woods.

Though he is past on now He still lives in me. Miss him alot.




First Turkey hunt with my boys and my dad




Youngest sons first Turkey. Funny note at the time he did not have hunting pants so he wore dads old hunting pants.

Needless to say he was swimming in them.




Youngest sons first bear with Mom in a Alaska




My oldest sons archery elk




fishing trip down south.




My wifes bear she killed in Alaska




you got get the duck hunting in as well my oldest son




This is the bear I killed in Alaska




Sorry to go on. family is very special to me. We have had alot of great times together, and great memories. We are so blessed to live where we do and can do what we do.


My kids now are grown up and now are having kids themselves. Its great to see things beginning to unfold again in another generation.

I guess that really dates me. lol4.gif






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