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Red Rabbit

Nosler E-Tip

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May be overkill for a coues, but are rumored to be accurate. But what is "too dead" and may help with blowing up the shoulders/reduce bloodshot meat.

Could be good for unit 9, 12 and 13 to reduce worries of the condors ingesting lead from deer and elk carcasses.


I'm sure I will have to try a box for grins.



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any body know what the BC is or what the proven alloy is? Looks pretty interesting i dont need lead free, but am always lookin for a higher bc

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  Red Rabbit said:



May be overkill for a coues, but are rumored to be accurate. But what is "too dead" and may help with blowing up the shoulders/reduce bloodshot meat.

Could be good for unit 9, 12 and 13 to reduce worries of the condors ingesting lead from deer and elk carcasses.


I'm sure I will have to try a box for grins.




And, im sure since i shoot with you ill try one for grins too! too bad you cant shoot a 270wsm so we can share!

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Yougbuck, the 180 gr E-tip in the ad in the nosler forum shows a BC of .523. The 180gr Accubond and Ballistic Tip are published at .507 The increase is probably due to the longer bullet length since there is no lead core.


Casey, You'll have to trade in that 270WSM ;) and get a 300 since the initial bullet offering is 180gr 30 cal. Winchester should load it for the 30-06 in factory fodder, so you can grin too.



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  Red Rabbit said:
Yougbuck, the 180 gr E-tip in the ad in the nosler forum shows a BC of .523. The 180gr Accubond and Ballistic Tip are published at .507 The increase is probably due to the longer bullet length since there is no lead core.


Casey, You'll have to trade in that 270WSM ;) and get a 300 since the initial bullet offering is 180gr 30 cal. Winchester should load it for the 30-06 in factory fodder, so you can grin too.





Have you seen the way that 270wsm shoots!!! trade it in! come on now!!!



i will shoot it in my 30-06 to see if it works... all though i dont see me carrying the 30-06 for anything other then bear anytime soon! Mathews Q2 for elk baby!

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Pretty cool stuff but I think I will stick to old fashion lead core, I may be old fashion or maybe anti-California Condor... :o oh no, the game and fish will be after me now :P

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This looks like a great bullet for the ultramag cal shooters. I agree that it might be a bit much for the little coues we like to hunt. I know that for my '06 it might not open up enough on the long range shots, just look at how little it mushrooms at 1800fps. A good clue as to how stout the bullet is. Too stout??


The Accubond has the same thing going on as far as minimum speed for mushrooming, 1800fps. that is why I have not tried it yet.


Funny how in the last few years the 30'06 has become a slow poke caliber.







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Having shot the Barnes X for about 7-8 years now.... I completely disagree with what they say about "the competion". I don't know for sure at what speed my 300 wby is pushing the 180 at, say 650 yds.... but I do know that it makes the exact same entrance and exit as it does at 350 yds... :rolleyes: Also I have never seen the peddles come off, and the Barnes does not copper foul the barrel as much as one would think.... I was really suprised about that. I don't like how much the BC has dropped since they cut the grooves in them... and am now testing some other bullets with higher BC's....


RR: I would love here what you think about these bullets, or come hang out with you and Casey, when you test them..... Thanks in advance.




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Here's a link to Accubond and Barnes MRX bullet performance on my Kodiak hunt last fall.

The two Accubonds pictured on page one of the thread are from my 300WSM, and appear to have tumbled.

The two Barnes MRX bullets were from another hunter's 300WSM. He shot at close range 20-40 yards. One bullet had no petals, and looks like they broke off early and the remaining bullet still travelled, as evidenced by the worn front. What amazed me is that they did not pass through.





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  Red Rabbit said:
Here's a link to Accubond and Barnes MRX bullet performance on my Kodiak hunt last fall.

The two Accubonds pictured on page one of the thread are from my 300WSM, and appear to have tumbled.

The two Barnes MRX bullets were from another hunter's 300WSM. He shot at close range 20-40 yards. One bullet had no petals, and looks like they broke off early and the remaining bullet still travelled, as evidenced by the worn front. What amazed me is that they did not pass through.







Wow!! :blink: That is kinda scary! I read through the whole post and am quite frankly disturbed.... :unsure: I am wondering if it is a caliber sensitve issue?? I mean.... I have yet to test the MXR out of my 300 Wby, but have seen the entrance and exit holes on Every deer and elk that the factory Wby/ Barnes X ammo has dispatched for us and they have all been very consitant from 100 to 640 yards; as has the wound channel...... We have recovered every animal we have ever shot with that gun/ammo combo and often with "dramatic" kill shots. All of our exit holes have been the size of a dime at all ranges; reguardless of solid bone or soft tissue impacts. :huh: Thus my concern..... or rather confusion.


Doug, you are far beyond me in your understaning of reloading, bullet selection, and calibers..... could it be that some calibers, or even brands of guns perform differently with the same bullet???


And thanks for the link... it was very interesting. :)

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all bullets will perfomr differently given different circumstances. who knows, on the way in maybe it cliped a bone and spun it around? it still should not have happened granted but deer still died quickly. i have killed 2 coues, 2 coyote, one mountaion lion with .277 140 accubonds, as you know the lion was at 25 feet and the exit hole was the same size as the exit hole on my last coues at 280 yards. the hole on the coyote was abit larger, bit i think that hit a rib on the way out and the rib fragments them selves made a big whole. basically, if you have had good succes with the bullet, dont let one other person semi-bad experience ruin yours.

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MidwayUSA shows the 30cal 180gr e-tips being available at $31.99 for a box of 50. Only a couple of bucks more than the partitions. I ordered a box to try in my 300WSMs.

Winchester is to have the e-tips loaded into factory ammo this fall, but I did not see it listed yet on the Midway site for the 300WSM.

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If/When they come out in 140 .277 i will be giving them a try. They have to shoot better than the accubonds do, and that is no easy feat!

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