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Online draw deadline?

Online app deadline  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you be in favor of a online app deadline before the actual draw deadline?

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Just wonder what everyone's opinion would be if AZGFD applied an online app deadline before the actual draw deadline.


Since it seems the servers crash every year at the last minute, why not set a online deadline before the actual draw deadline? Say a week before the actual draw deadline? This way if the servers crash at the last minute you still have a week to put in with a paper app and they don't have to extend the draw.

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they should go back to paper only.


I don't even see why people get all torn up about it. the guys that are putting in last minute are newbs that are probably putting for late cow or something lame.

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they should go back to paper only.


I don't even see why people get all torn up about it. the guys that are putting in last minute are newbs that are probably putting for late cow or something lame.


Not going to disagree with you. But...I don't see the online system going away. I see many extensions happening in the future if they keep the current system.


On a side note trphyhntr...are u calling yourself a newb?

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If they could get a system that worked, online is much cheaper in the long run and superior in almost every way. The public does the data entry so we don't have to pay for department employees to be on the payroll to input all the data from the paper apps. Other states have it figured out and have gone to online only. We just need an IT SAVIOR to pull the department out of this cycle of repeated failures and to get on par with other states:)

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Good ole Days when a deadline was a Deadline you show up 7:01 you can eat your app and live with it !!!

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what would everyone think about AZGFD allowing hunters to put in for a bonous point only, after the app deadline. I think Wyoming allows you to put in for a bonous point only for deer and antelope up until June when the app deadline is March 31st. this may cut down on some of the last minute folks.

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I voted no, but only because there was no option to vote against on-line applying. If hunters still had to pay cash up front the odds for being drawn would improve slightly.


My personal peeve with the present on-line draw system is AZGFD does not accept American Express, probably because it charges a business (and a game department) more per transaction than other companies.


In my experience, American Express stands up for their cardholders, while the other companies make us jump through hoops when things go south.


Bill Quimby

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No. If you gamble on the worst choice (last minute online app) and lose, you should suffer the consequences and not get to go hunting. Just a small lesson to learn in life. We as a society don't enforce the rules enough anymore and people don't learn lessons they should in life.

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I was thinking the same thing. I think it is a great idea. Those who wait can drive them to Game and Fish.


For those of us who have been around for awhile, may remember dropping off applications on Greenway......I did, not because I procrastinated, but because I often did not trust the mail. And that was when we applied for all species during one draw and had to have the money upfront.

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From the draw website:


  • The Department makes no representation or warranties in relation to this website, the operation of the web-based application process or the information or materials provided on the website. By using this website and the web-based application process, you assume all risks associated with the use of the website, and the Department disclaims any liability for damages resulting from use or misuse of the website, including failure to complete or transmit an application prior to the deadline date or any errors in the application or transmission.

Here is a screen shot from where it is posted:


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what difference are you guys thinking it would make anyways? youre not going to get your draw results earlier just because it got delayed for 1 day.

It's not about the result date, it is about all the extra applicants that now worsen the odds of the draw lottery.
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